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Rachel POV:
Shaking my head I sat on the front stairwell in front of Blackwell watching as Max got out of Chloe's truck. Raising a eyebrow I smirked getting a genius idea that could benefit everyone or only me,but still I liked the idea. Standing up I whistled towards Max flagging her to follow me. Of course she listened as I begin walking to the dorms knowing neither of us had class for another hour or so. "Max,I want you to be honest with me. What are your feelings towards Chloe?" I asked as she caught up along side me. Immediately she turned a bit red giving it away that she clearly had some sort of love connection with her. Entering the dorm building I look down the halls seeing it was relatively empty. "Let's go to your room Max I want to have a little chat," I said putting my hand on my hip as she was so easy to boss around. Leading the way we entered her room which is exactly what I expected. Pictures all over one wall,but with not a lot going on other then that. "Rachel if this is about Chloe I'm sorry. She just basically pounced on me," she said as I smirked stepping forward. Slowly Max backed up as I got closer before she hit the wall behind her. "Max this whole thing with Chloe is going to work out great for all of us," I said in a whisper before kissing Max deeply. Damn she was good at this. Slowly I removed her jacket before tossing it behind me. "Come on Max let's take this love triangle to a new level," I said grabbing her by the belt before practically dragging her to the bed.

Chloe POV:
Looking up at the building I sighed holding Max's camera in her hand. I'm a bit surprised she left it considering it's like her thing or whatever. "Watch out girls stand to close to Chloe,and you'll catch a disease," Victoria said as her and some of her little goons walked by. Shaking my head I opened the door walking in the dorm building hating every second of it. Walking past some of the dorms you could hear some girls arguing like typical idiots. I got closer to Max's room hearing some sort of banging like Max was throwing shit around,but then as I got closer I heard something that brought anger to me. Clinching my fist I shoved the door open seeing Rachel on top of Max. "What the fuck!" I yelled mainly at Rachel,but somewhat at Max too. "Chloe..I..she just," Max said before I stuck my hand in the air. "Shut up Max. Rachel what the fuck are you doing?" I asked wanting to punch her in that pretty fucking face. "Hey who is to say she didn't start it?" Rachel asked as I rolled my eyes. "Jeez I don't know let's look back on every other time you cheated on me,and fucking Max is too socially awkward to do this shit," I said as Rachel stood up smirking. "Chloe don't pretend like you didn't kiss Max last night," she said as I shook my head. "I share one kiss with Max while you go fuck Nathan Prescott and everyone else. Wait never mind your little miss perfect you'd never," I said rolling my eyes. "Are you trying to say I'm some sort of slut?" she asked putting her hand on her hip. "What the fuck do you think? I'm fucking done with you Rachel," I said before tossing Max her camera. "Max, none of this is your fault. Rachel Ambers is just a cheating piece of shit," I said before storming out of the room.

Max POV:
Immediately after that Rachel walked out of the room taking her jacket with her as I sat there wondering what just happened. Grabbing my phone I texted Chloe trying to explain what happened,and how I didn't have any sort of feelings for Rachel. Not even five minutes later I got a text back from her saying to meet her at the junkyard later. I could fix all of this! Sticking my hand out in the air time spun back to when Rachel and I entered my room. "Rachel listen I know what you are planning to do,and I don't want whatever it is. If you do this it's only going to hurt Chloe," I said as she raised a eyebrow placing her hand on her hip. "God damn Max. You are a smart girl,but if you won't give me what I want I'll give you two options. Option one I tell everyone you kissed my girlfriend making you a even bigger outcast,or option two you just go along with what I say," she said smirking as I nodded looking at the door as Chloe opened the door holding my camera. "What's going on?" Chloe asked raising a eyebrow as I walked past Rachel over to Chloe's side. "Rachel wants some sort of love triangle between the three of us,and threatened to blackmail me if I didn't go with it," I said as Rachel shook her head chuckling. Chloe looked me in the eyes nodding before she looked back at Rachel. "Rachel I'm not sure what happened to you,but whatever you've become I don't want any part of. You've cheated on me multiple times,and now blackmailing Max. Whatever little relationship we had left is over," Chloe said as Rachel stepped back a bit. "You know Chloe without me you would've been just another sad girl. We made each other happy. You brought out a side of me that's not afraid to be rebellious,and I brought out a more social fun side of you," Rachel said stepping forward. "Rachel I think maybe it's best you leave," I said stepping forward as she looked me up and down. "Don't worry I'm out of here,but Chloe remember that night at the the Firewalk concert. We are meant to be together as that was real," she said before walking out.

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