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Chloe POV:
I remember watching her fall to the ground with tears in her eyes as I caught her. Rachel didn't jump off the roof,and honestly if she did I wouldn't know what to do. After the Rachel incident they took her to a therapist right after knowing that she needed help. Of course she was put on suicide watch so anything she could possible harm herself with was removed from her range. Shaking my head I looked down at my phone seeing a text from Steph. Of course Steph had been gone for a while now,but she made sure to keep in touch unlike someone I know. Tossing my phone down in the truck seat I sighed resting my head on the steering wheel. A tear rushed down my face as just everything was hitting me with Rachel, all the shit at home,and Max being back. "Fuck!" I yelled out before slamming my fist down on the dashboard. I just was full of sadness and bits of anger towards everyone and everything. Getting out of the truck I looked around seeing the memories I shared with Rachel in this junkyard. "Fuck! It's not fair!" I yelled out clinching my fist tightly. It sounded selfish but how the fuck could Rachel do that to me? Shaking my head I picked up the bat and begin just hitting everything I could. "Fuck you!" I exclaimed before ripping the shit Rachel and I had put on the walls of the shack. Tears poured down my face as I fell to the ground holding my head. "Rachel why the fuck did you do it?" I asked myself looking up at the ceiling. Was it my fault Rachel had gotten to that point? The Kate Marsh stuffed pushed her over the edge,but maybe it all started when I broke up with her. Closing my eyes I thought back to when she was laying in that dark room. Whenever she said she'd be gone one day I though she meant she'd run away or some shit not suicide. Opening my eyes I saw I was on the roof with rain pouring down heavy. "What the fuck?" I asked myself stumbling back a bit as I was on the roof looking at Rachel sitting on the ledge. "It's beautiful isn't it?" she asked as I shook my head walking up behind her. "You know when I was a kid I always used to not understand people that were just sad all the time. Who would've thought I'd be here now?" she asked laughing a bit. I sat down on the ledge next to her wrapping my arm around her. "Rachel I promise I won't ever leave you again," I said softly as she begin to laugh again. "Chloe don't you realize I'm alone right now? I've done something that people won't ever forget. People will know me as the girl who almost killed herself instead of the star student and actress," she said as I nodded a bit. "Fuck everyone else... do you remember when we jumped on that train together?" I asked as she nodded leaning her head on my shoulder. "I was so nervous,but I didn't know why I was. Of course when I got older I realized it was because I love you," I said a tear running down my cheek. "Chloe, you shouldn't be worried about me right now. Look down there," she said pointing down below. Max was sitting on the stairs of the building just crying. "Max is a tough girl,but anyone who had had to stop two suicides in two days has to be wondering why them,"Rachel said as I nodded. "I was wondering how did she manage to get up to the roof unseen?" she asked as I shrugged not knowing myself. "Max can freeze time maybe she can stop it too," I said as Rachel stood up. "I want you to go see Max first,and then you both can come see me," she said before walking away. Suddenly I jolted up covered in water as the shack had a whole in the roof causing the rain to pour down on me. Immediately I got up running to the truck as I had to get to Max. She needed me and damn it...I needed Max. Stomping on the gas I begin to hit the road thinking about all the shit Rachel said to me in that dream. The part I kept thinking of was when Rachel said she was alone right now. Shaking my head I focused back on the road taking a turn knowing Max was just sitting out in the rain. Finally after however fucking long I basically jumped out the truck door before running to the building seeing Max sitting there. "Chloe? What are you doing here?" she asked standing up as I ran over hugging her closely. "I'm so sorry Max. I should've been here for you," I said as she hugged me back. "Let's go inside and get you changed I mean your fucking soaked," I said breaking the hug as the sound of thunder begin cracking. Walking inside I looked down the hallway seeing outside of Rachel's door people had put a bunch of crap in front of it. Sure it was supposed to be nice and all,but it just reminded the person of the incident. Deciding it was best to ignore it I followed Max down the hallway to her room. "Hey Max...did you stop time to get up there with Rachel?" I asked tilting my head as she sighed a bit. "I managed to do it,but after I had a huge headache along with a nosebleed," she said as I shrugged a bit. "We just need to test your limits then," I said taking off my jacket. "I guess but it could also mean the more I use them the more they hurt me," she said with a hint of concern in her voice. "You just have to pick the best times to use it I guess,but put the worry away. Rachel visited me in my dream saying we need to go see her," I said as Max nodded. "Max...I love you," I said blushing a bit as she looked at me blushing too. "I love you too Chloe," she said causing me to now blush heavily.

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