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Oh before we start this chapter will be a bit short.

Chloe POV:
Shaking my head a bit I hung up the phone not believing what I just heard. "Max did you bring a knife to Rachel's?" I asked as she sat up looking at me. "What?" Chloe you know I wouldn't do something like that," she said as I nodded knowing she was part of the reason Rachel was alive. I mean Max wouldn't do something like that would she? "Rachel's dad called saying they find a kitchen knife in her room," I said as Max sighed a bit. "Probably like Victoria or someone like that," she said as I shrugged knowing she was probably right. "Hey you know how I can do the time stuff right?" Max asked as I nodded. "You said once Rachel started a fire and when she screamed wind blew spreading it. What if Rachel can control weather and we just don't know it?" Max asked I raised a eyebrow laughing a bit. "Max this isn't the X-men and Rachel is certainly no storm that's for sure," I said shaking my head. "You don't get off the hook either. I mean you are like unnaturally good at arguing," she said as I laughed a bit. "Max being good at arguing isn't a super power," I said as she rolled her eyes a bit. "Recently I've been having like nightmares about some huge storm rolling. The storm is big enough to destroy all of Arcadia,and I think it has something to do with Rachel," she said as I rolled my eyes laying back on my bed. "Max you shouldn't blame stuff you don't understand on people,but if you think Rachel is the cause I believe you," I said knowing I should support Max. I think it's crazy to think everyone has powers of some sort,but Max was pretty out there.

Rachel POV:
Shaking my head a bit as tear came to my eye thinking about what happened back on the roof. It begin raining as tears rain down my face. My phone vibrated as I picked it up seeing it was Chloe. The text made me laugh a bit causing the rain to lighten up a bit. It was saying Max thought I had the ability to control weather with emotions or something. Shaking my head a bit I looked outside seeing it had stopped raining. "What the? That's just weird" I said to myself going over to the dresser. It was weird Max was saying that like what was she right? Wait....Max was able to get up to the roof with me in a really strange amount of time? Picking up my phone I quickly called Max waiting for her to pickup as I had a theory. I heard the phone answer as you could hear music blasting in the background. "Hey Rachel, what's up?" Max asked as I shook my head a bit. "Can you come over sometime? Like just you cause I have something important I need to talk to you about," I said as I anxiously awaited a response. "Yeah I can swing by some time tomorrow. Maybe around four or five?" she asked as I smiled a bit. "Thanks Max. Anyway I'll see you tomorrow tell Chloe I said hi," I said before hanging up.

Max POV:
This would work perfectly! Now I can help Rachel control her ability to change the weather,and show Chloe I was right. However that meant if she really could control the weather something would have to set her off to cause that huge storm. A huge storm like that would probably be caused by sadness with a mix of rage I bet. Walking back in the room Chloe was jamming out by herself as I chuckled watching her. "Hey Max-a-million who was that?" she asked as I chuckled a bit. "It was just Rachel she wants me to swing by tomorrow. Weird part was she wanted to me to come alone said she had something important to talk about," I said shrugging a bit. "Maybe she knows your basically that phone box thing from doctor who," she said smirking as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever I'm sure it's just she wants to talk to me about mental health or something like that," I said shaking my head a bit as I walked over to Chloe. "Who cares what Rachel wants cause I know what I want," she said in a suggestive tone before pulling me on the bed kissing me deeply.

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