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Rachel POV:
Slowly my eyes opened seeing Chloe right next to me. We were in her bedroom,and suddenly it all hit me. "Oh crap! Chloe I got to go I got to be at school soon," I said jumping out of the bed trying to grab my clothes. "Rachel don't worry I'll drive you," Chloe said sitting up letting out a yawn. "If that's the case get in gear Price," I said putting on my shoes. Looking down at my phone I saw a bunch of notifications on that picture of I posted of me and Chloe. "Hey Rachel have you seen my socks?" Chloe asked as I rolled my eyes a bit smiling. "Chloe they are on your feet," I said laughing a bit as she shrugged grabbing her boots. "Alright then let's go," she said smirking as she took my hand leading me downstairs. On the car ride to Blackwell I was reading some of the comments on my post as they were all typical ones "Hey so what do we do if Max finds out?" I asked looking at Chloe tilting my head. "Don't worry remember open three way relationship between us. I mean she said it on the roof," she said as I shrugged a bit. "Yeah she did but I mean that was probably just to get me down," I said looking out the window. "If Max didn't mean it she shouldn't have said it," she said shrugging as I just chuckled a bit. I'll admit it was nice having Chloe and Max care so much about me,but I didn't want to stand between them. "You remember when I said don't be surprised if one day I'm just gone?" I asked looking at Chloe. "I remember,but that was before we were even together Rachel," she said as I nodded turning away. Part of me feels like Chloe wants this relationship more than I do.

Max POV:
Shaking all the cob webs out of my head I watered my plant smiling a bit. "Sorry for not getting you yesterday," I said before remembering I was talking to a plant. Walking out of my room I saw the hallways were super busy this morning which was not that unusual. "Hey Max come here for a second," Dana Ward said flagging me over. Dana was alright I guess. I never really talked to her before,so I wonder what she wanted. "First off I heard Victoria Chase apologizing to you,and damn that's impressive. Secondly I wanted to ask if you could take some pictures for me sometime,and don't worry I'll pay you for it," she said smiling. "I mean sure just let me know when you want to take the pictures," I said shrugging a bit as this was definitely new. "Can I ask something first?" I asked looking at her before looking around the hallway. "What's everyone doing here? Usually it's not even close to this many people here," I said looking back at her. "Today Rachel is coming back for the first time since her incident. I'm surprised you didn't know you seem to be close to her and Chloe Price. Speaking of which what's going on with you and Price?" she asked as I blushed a bit. "Oh my Max Caulfield going for the bad girl. If only Steph was here she would've been all over you," she said as I shook my head laughing a bit. "Anyway I'll text you the details about the picture time," she said before walking off. Walking down the hallway I stopped hearing Victoria talking to her two minions. "I mean seriously Max saves your life,and then Rachel goes and sleeps with Chloe. If you ask me the whole situation is messed up. I mean don't get me wrong Rachel is still cool with us,but jeez that's low," Victoria said as I raised a eyebrow. "I actually heard they are all in some sort of three way relationship," Courtney Wagner said. I just couldn't handle it anymore,so I decided to walk over to them. "Hey I just thought I heard my name pop up," I said giving a fake smile. "Max actually we were just talking about....nevermind. Max I hate to tell you,but I guess last night Rachel and Chloe got it on," Victoria said as I shrugged a bit.

Rachel POV:
Taking a deep breath I opened the door seeing the hallways were packed this morning. It was weird because everyone just stopped looking at me before walking over trying to talk. I just tried to ignore them all giving them friendly smiles before I stopped seeing Max talking to Victoria. "Hey there," I said walking over to the two as Victoria had a awkward look on her face. "Glad to have you back Rachel," Max said smiling as I smiled back. "Thanks Max it's pretty strange being back here since last time," I said looking around. "Has anyone seen Kate Marsh? I actually wanted to talk to her about something," I said looking around for her. "Kate is probably already outside doing well whatever Kate does," Victoria said smirking a bit. "Hey I hate to interrupt,but I was hoping to ask Rachel for a interview," Juliet asked walking up with a notebook in hand. "Juliet don't worry you'll get a interview by the end of the day I promise," I said before she walked off. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go see what happened to my room," I said walking off getting a little overwhelmed. Entering the door I practically slammed the door behind me breathing a bit faster than normal. Taking a few deep breaths I was able to get calm before laying down on the bed. Closing my eyes I could hear people outside of my room talking. "Yeah Rachel totally banged Chloe after Max saved her ass," someone said as I shook my head turning away. I should've thought more before Chloe and I did anything.

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