ch.1 go away.

941 10 1

Its my second day in pelican town and i wanted to try meeting everyone. As I entered the town I saw a blue hoodie and ran to them.

Y/n: hi! I'm Y/N
Shane: i don't know you.
Y/N:oh well I'm the new...

He walked away. How rude. I turn around and start walking down and there's another guy standing in front of a house holding a gridball.

Y/N: hi, im Y/N
Alex: hi, im Alex. Also don't mind Shane, he's grouchy.

Wait...Shane? It can't be the same one..right?

Alex:so you're the new farmer huh? Do you maybe wanna go to the beach sometime and play gridball?
Y/n:oh ah no thanks to the gridball but maybe in the summer the beach sounds nice.

As I walked away we waved goodbye and I bumped into a small red headed girl.

Penny: Oh no im so sorry! I wasn't i mean oh god are you ok?!
Y/N: haha hey it was a little bump youre ok! My name is Y/N, and you?
Penny: its Penny. Its nice to meet you haha

We talked under a tree in town for awhile and she told me about her mom and how she and Shane are friends.

Penny: yeah they've been friends for years, it started when Shane came back here from zuzu after jas's, his goddaughter, parents died.
Y/N: thats really sad. So why is he so cold?
Penny: oh..he became a drunk after spending so much time with my mom. He started using the alcohol to avoid his emotions and now its been 10 years.

Wow. It's been so long...and on top of that 10 years of just drinking...

Maru: Penny?
Penny: hey Maru, this is Y/N. The new farmer.
Maru: oh hi! I think I remember you, you used to visit your grandpa when you were little right?
Y/N:oh my yoba, I remember! We used to go to the lake and see if we can find the legend fish!
Maru: yeah! That was fun, im so glad you remember haha so does that mean you remember my older brother too?

I sat there thinking but all I could remember was an angry little purple hair girl holding onto a dark hooded boy with ginger hair. And a blonde boy throughing things into the lake.

Y/N:not really sure haha I remember 3 other kids who watched us
Maru:oh yeah my brother was the one who always wore a black hoodie.

Maru and Penny went to the library and I went to cindersnap forest, I wanted to see if the old tree i carved in was still there. As I walked i met a newer person who didn't live here until a year or two ago, her name was Leah. She was really nice and gave me some hints about foraging and told me about her art.

*Time skip an hour*

There it is. My tree. And a small child under it jumping rope.

Y/N: hi. Whats your name? I don't know you
Y/N:thats why I'm introducing myself, im Y/N

Shane walked behind me the sun was starting to set. He had a pack of beer behind him.

Shane:hey jas, is this person bothering you?
Jas:oh no, I just missed you!

Jas and Shane hugged and he tossed the beer into a near bush so she wouldn't see it. She tried to pull him back home but he patted her head and told her to go home.

Shane:so why are you here.
Y/N:oh I carved my name into this tree when I was little, I wanted to see if it was still there.

Shanes eyes widened and he grabbed the back of my overalls and pulled me back.

Shane:go home. I don't want you here while I drink.

He pushed me toward the trail that leads to my farm.


*switch to shanes pov*

Oh thank yoba they left. I didn't want them to see it or remember.

He walked to the tree and toward the top there was a carving Y/N 💜 Shane. And underneath it what he had left for them after they had left stardew.

I remember when they did this with my pocket knife...they never gave that knife back. They were 6 and I was 8. Man its been so long since then, so much has happened. They probably won't even care and laugh since we were kids but...I don't want them to laugh. I just beer.

*its the next morning in y/ns perspective*

Shane was such a jerk. Is. He is a jerk. I do remember being friends with him as a kid, we used to play with marnies chickens...I remember one time I rode one of her pigs into town. He took me under that tree and scolded me after, I know i made him laugh though. i had the biggest crush on him so much so that i came back as a teenager one last time to see him...and tell him. I was 15, Shane had already left town. Maybe he doesn't remember me or just doesn't care.

I go water my crops for a little and clean up my farm some more. I need to upgrade my tools, maybe clint will help.

Clint:hi, y/n
Y/n: clint! Hey could you upgrade my axe?
Clint:alright heres how I work.

He told me he'd only do it for 5 of the ore type upgrade I'd like and 5,000g which will take all season for me to get. Hopefully that worker will get the Boulder blocking the mines out soon so I can get the ore. I decided to go fishing in the mountain lake instead. Willy came back into town and he gave me a pole I could use, since when I was little I used to watch him fish and cheer him on. He's the one who told me about the legend when I was a kid.

Sébastien:oh shit.
Y/n:oh yoba I'm so sorry!

I hit Sébastien on my way up the mountain and he fell. He looked up at me, his hood fell and he had black almost purple in the light hair.

Y/n:seb im so sorry!
Y/n:you remember me?
Sébastien:uh yeah...
Y/n:what's wrong?
Sébastien:nothing. Bye.

He ran off. His cheeks were red. I wonder if I did something to him besides hitting him by accident. I fished at the lake for 7 hours and went back home, it was 10pm and I was exhausted. Then In the dark I saw a blue jacket. Why was Shane out this late? Doesn't he work in the morning?

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