ch.7 the community center

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Im just missing a few things for the center, the whole town has been helping me. I've put up billboard notices since Lewis showed me the community center and the wizard showed me the junimo. Abby has helped me inside since she's seen them since she was a kid but today's the first time we've actually been in here together. looks like all thats left is the winter stuff. I stole dads secret stash of money to pay for that vault bundle. So what do we want to do in the meantime?
Y/n:do you think anyone has any of the winter stuff?
Abby:maybe, we can put a notice and in the meantime we can get a few of the stuff from the mines.
Y/n:we can?
Abby:yeah! There are levels that look and feel just like winter down there.
Y/n:alright ill make the notice and you get our swords?
Abby:on it, ill grab some life elixirs too

Off we went and....I realized my birthday is coming up. Its on the 17th and I'm not sure what ill do. I wanted to celebrate but Shane told me he's got therapy on that day, I also didn't tell him it was my birthday. I didn't want him to know and feel like he had to skip therapy. Maybe ill just do what I've done every year, ill make a cake and watch a dumb movie.

Shane:hey! I heard you needed a winter root?
Y/n:I posted that 5 minutes ago
Shane:yeah, here you go.

One down 2 to go.

*time skip later that night*

Abby:ok so we have a crystal fruit and a winter root all we need it a snow yam!
Y/n:wait...doesn't your dad have one?
Abby:oh my yoba your right in that little display case he has. Alright ill take that and leave it tomorrow.
Y/n:wait no go grab it now, your dads asleep so he won't know and we can finish this tonight!

She came back a few minutes later with it and we put our last things in. Junimo surrounded us and gave us their story. Suddenly the whole place was fixed and it looked beautiful. Its finally done. Now we have a community center just like when I was a kid.

As we said our goodbyes and went home I laid in bed thinking about how hard that would have been without Abby. Shes been so kind and so has everyone else, im really glad I moved here. Zuzu city was just too much for me. And then working for joja felt like a cult. But here...I feel so happy.

The next morning the town gave me a trophy and joja left town. This was great...except now Shane and Sam don't have a job. I didn't even think about all of that. Oh no.

Shane:hey y/n! You and Abby did a really great job.
Abby:thanks we know haha
Sam:yeah, now we can actually hang out in here again just like when we were all little!
Maru:oh that'd be fun!
Sébastien:hey whered y/n go?

I went to the art room. I saw an old painting Shane and I was us getting married and on the back i put my signature and Shane put his with and angry face.

Shane:wow how is that still here? Haha
Seb:oh damn what else is still here?

We went through the old drawings we all did as kids Abby found one of her and me fighting monsters. Sébastien found one of him and me throwing stones in the lake, Sam found one of all of us watching movies, and maru found one of me and her looking at telescopes.

Shane:wow these are so old
Y/n:yeah its been so many years haha
Shane:your birthday.
Abby:oh fuck.
Sam:wait it isn't today is it?
Seb:no its the 17th.

We all looked at him a little surprised he remembered. Abby laughed and gus came him

Gus:so whats your favorite cake then, y/n?
Y/n: oh no im not celebrating. Thank you though!
Shane:why not?

I put my head down. I wanted to celebrate with him...but he's not gonna be here.

Seb:its ok, y/n but we'd like to throw you a party if you're ok with it.

I nodded and smiled. They just wanted to throw a party, I knew it would happen weather I liked it or not. Shane looked sad as we left the community center, Morris came in and screamed at us all then left town. The next morning joja looked like it was deserted which it basically was. Sam and Shane threw eggs at the store and celebrated with beers together that night.

Shane: come on y/n, come celebrate
Sam:yeah you used to work for joja too, more corporate but still
Shane:oh yeah! Comeon itll be fun!
Y/n:I'm not sure, I
Abby:they'll be there.
Seb:well make sure.

We eneded up meeting the whole town at the saloon. Everyone was celebrating and playing music. Joja was gone. And the town was on a better track. After a few hours Shane was on his 3rd beer.

Y/n:Shane how many are you allowed to drink?
Shane:don't worry i won't drink anymore after this. Pinki swear.
Y/n:ok chicken man.
Pam:did you call him chicken man?!

The whole bar went silent and a roaring of laughter came. Yoba dammit. Shane grabbed me by my waist and took me out of the saloon.

Shane:let's head home, chicken.
Y/n:why am I chicken?
Shane:because I love chickens.

We walked in happy silence holding hands. We got to my door and he smiled at me, his smile was so rare and amazing. As he let go of my hand it felt like my heart was crying for him to come back.

Shane:can..can I come in for coffee maybe? You know to sober me up.
Y/n:coffee can't hurt, why not.

I beemed. Hes in my house, and we are drinking coffee.

Y/n:yeah Shane?

He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto of his lap. He looked at me in the eyes and we started making out I used the chair to balance so I could face him as we made out.

Shane *in a breathy tone*:y/n bed.

We moved to the bed quickly hardly letting eachother go. He tasted like mint gum this time, he bit my bottom lip again but this time I bit back.

Shane:so we're playing rough then?
Y/n:you started it.

We joked then a knock at the door stopped us.

Y/n: marnie? Hey whats up? Shane here?
Y/n:uh yeah he wanted a cup of coffee to sober up a bit.
Marnie:SOBER UP?
Shane:she didn't know I drank tonight. Its ok y/n, we can do this a different time. I'm sorry.

He kissed my hand and walked off toward the ranch. Marnie looked at me apologetic.

Marnie:I'm so sorry I didn't know you guys were...busy.
Y/n: we...its fine we weren't doing anything except drinking coffee and talking anyway. But he only had 3 beers.
Marnie: I'm just scared. I don't want him to stop doing better...
Y/n:neither do I. And I won't let him just give up.

Marnie hugged me and left. I laid in my bed and it still smelled like Shane. Like grass and alcohol. Weird mix but a good one.

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