ch.6 shanes recovery

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*The next morning in y/ns pov*

I woke up on Sébastiens chest. He looked so content. So naturally I woke him up.

Y/n:wake up!
Seb:AHAHA oh yoba, y/n whats wrong with you?!
Y/n:lots but for now its that half the town is in my house and I have work to do.

Abby woke up to seb screaming and ran in. The rest started to wake up slowly. Alex seemed like the only one that wasn't tired still. We all ate some breakfast and slowly everyone said bye as they left. Abby even hugged me. I got changed and went outside. I saw seb hugging Shane. And then Shane came up to me to talk to me.

Shane:hey, about the other night

I could see everyone stopping in their tracks to listen.

Shane:I'm sorry, it was really embarrassing
Y/n:I'm just glad you're ok.
Shane:oh wow it was that serious? I barley remember it.

He....doesn't remember what he said? is he lying?

Shane:anyway, Harvey got me in contact with a good therapist in zuzu. I'll be seeing him every week and going to group therapy too.
Y/n:I'm glad.

He went in for a hug and then saw the group. He shook my hand awkwardly and ran back home. After that I hardly saw Shane. He still went to the bar but only drank joja colas. Id wave at him and we'd start a conversation until someone would always interrupt us and one of us would leave. I go to our tree often. But he's never there anymore. Sometimes ill see jas and I've started leaving fairy roses for her, since she liked them so much.

Marnie told me he's been doing good, I saw him at the luau but we didn't talk much again. Summers almost over so i decided to go to go enjoy the beach while I could. And to my surprise the entire town was having a beach day. Everyone was surfing and swimming. I sat by seb in my bathing suit. He wore a shirt and swim trunks.

Seb:you look cute in that. I hope he tells you.
Seb:hes been avoiding you. I hope he tells you that you look cute.
Y/n:me too. But I didn't wear this for him you know.
Seb:oh what you're about to tell me you wore it just for me?

We both laughed. He seemed so much happier now being able to flirt without meaning it.

Abby:damn you look hot y/n!
Y/n:thanks abs, you too
Abby:i know! Haha seb would look pretty jaw dropping if he'd just take off the damn shirt.
Seb:when I'm married ill take off my shirt.

We all laughed and Shane finally came over.

Y/n:hey Shane!

I stood up to talk to him and hopefully not let him leave.

Shane:hey, I like your swimsuit. It looks good on you.
Seb:you mean cute?
Abby:no he means hot af
Y/n:thanks shane...but what about you why aren't you wearing a bathing suit?
Shane:I don't swim. Remember?

My mind flashed back to ginger island. The way he touched....and face got red quickly and I sat back down with my head between my knees.

Abby:oh wait what is this?!
Shane:thats not the event I was talking about y/n haha but it was a nice event.

Abby and seb stared at us curiously. Shane was laughing and blushing and I was a puddle of lava. Shane picked me up and threw me in the ocean.

Shane:you need to cool down i think!
Y/n:Shane you dick!

Jas and Vincent heard me. And laughed. Jodi smacked the back of Vincent's head and marnie scorned jas. Shane just laughed. I swam up to the dock where he threw me than I decided...

Y/n:do you have your phone on you?

I pulled him in. He was soaked and I was laughing and swimming away.

Shane:get back here!

The town watched us play like we were kids again. Splashing eachother with water and swimming away from eachother.

Shane:I swear to yoba! I'll get you back y/n!

And he did, he went under water and waited for me to look around for him then he pulled me under. He's got pretty good lungs, that'll be good to remember for later. I didn't open my eyes but I held onto him. He swam under the dock where no one could see us.

Shane:I....y/n I
Y/n:its ok, I know.
Y/n: I expected you to avoid me. I know this is hard and scary. I'm just so proud of you, Shane.
Shane:I love you, dumbass.
Y/n:I mean oh like I was definitely not reading the room here! Not like oh like I don't love you cause I do! I mean obviously I do I just.

He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me hard. He bit my lip lightly as if begging for entry and I did as asked. We roamed eachothers mouths and then I made a mistake. I moaned his name. And I heard someone on the dock.

Shane: shhh! We should go

We went to the empty side of the beach where we started to nudge eachother as if finally done with our play fight. Everyone cheered and asked who won. I pointed to Shane.

Marnie:wow Shane won the first time, so thats what 1 out of 500
Lewis:sounds about right. Haha
Shane:hey I get it but we were little I didn't want to hurt them then
Seb:did you hurt them now?!
Y/n:only a little but its ok it was funny.

Shane looked at me confused and we all continued. This was a nice last day of summer. And it was nice to see shane acting like this. I wonder what's going to happen next season.

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