ch.8 the lemon 🍋

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*Shanes POV*

Yoba fuckin dammit marnie! They were ready! I...ugh I've wanted this for so long and we were finally ready!

Marnie:Shane im so sorry I didn't know you guys were..."having coffee"
Shane:we did have coffee.
Jas:coffee is bitter.
Shane:yeah but y/n puts cream and sugar in their coffee so it tasted like hot chocolate in a way.
Marnie:wait...actual coffee?
Jas:goodnight uncle Shane, goodnight aunt marnie.

Jas went to bed and I sat at the table frustrated for more than one reason. I wanted them so bad it hurt. And...someone or something always stops us from getting further. The first time was fine because they were scared but every time after has made me so angry.

Shane:what? Oh for fucks sake marnie
Marnie:just for next time...I don't want you to make a mistake.
Shane:I have condoms marnie.
Marnie:really? Have you actually used them?
Shane:....I mean...once in high school. Why do you have to do this to me?
Shane:embarrass me! I just...want to be at y/ns house but instead I'm home and I will probably be up all night cause its almost Lewis o clock.
Shane:am I wrong?

I left the room and laid in bed. The thought of y/n filled my mind and ended up doing alot more. I thought about how they looked in the bathing much skin...and how they felt when id touch their body. I could feel how much they wanted me too, it was more than obvious. Both our bodies just waiting for...oh no. I didn't realize my hand had went down, I was stroking my dick and I didn't want to stop until I had finished. Then I heard marnies bedroom door close and Lewis moan. I almost threw up. I stopped and went for a walk to y/n and my tree.

It was 4am, Lewis left and I woke up under the tree. I went home feeling sexually frustrated, marnie greeted me and I went to my room. I decided to clean up a bit. It was almost 9am, I had no where to go today so I decided to finish what I started last night. Marnie had left to her aerobics class and jas had school today. So I started thinking about them again.

The memory of ginger island and how they bit back in their house, they felt so good and I wanted more so bad. I wanted to fuck them from behind holding onto their waist as they moan...I wanted to hear their moans. If they'd be loud or try to be quiet. I wanted to see their face begging for more after cumming on their face. fuck

Shane:oh fuck y/n!
Y/n:what an absolute shame.

They...fuck no

*from y/n POV*

I think I'll visit Shane today, he shouldn't be busy since its not therapy and the girls are all gone today. I'll go after im done with my farm chores though.

*around 8:30*

Finally. Ok off to my chicken man....I wish we could have continued last night. I was finally ready...the thought of him keeps filling my mind I just wanted to see and....ugh this is stupid. I didn't even have a condom it woulda been dumb if we did anything anyway. Maybe I should buy some...I mean it would make sense.

Leah:hey! Headed to shanes?
Y/n:yeah, I know everyone is gone today so I was hoping he'd want to hang out.
Leah:i found him sleeping under that old tree this morning so he might be tired.
Y/n:thats weird, thanks for the warning!

Why was he sleeping outside? Did he get drunk again...oh no Shane. I ran inside and heard him, it sounded like he was talking to someone. I ease dropped for a little but all I could hear were mumbles so I cracked his door open.

Shane...was...holy fuck. His dick was huge. And I just wanted it in my mouth so bad. I stood there watching him grunt and moan, which just made me hornier and hornier. Then he moaned my name as he came on his hand.

Y/n:what an absolute shame.
Y/n:honestly its all over your hand.

No wait what am I doing? I licked the cum off his hand and sucked on his fingers a bit before going straight to his dick. He laid there in shock and embarrassment. I kept sucking and having my fun since he wasn't able to move just yet. Then it happened. I moaned as he came in my mouth.

Shane:y/n im...fuck I'm

He smiled smugly after he shoved my head into him to make sure no cum leaked. He finally sat up, still half naked and smiling.

Shane:are you gonna swallow or just sit their like sad puppy.
Y/n:I already swallowed.

He bit his lip. Whyd he bite his lip? Was what I said attractive wtf?

Jas:uncle shane?! Penny said she needed 5 eggs for a project she wants us to do!
Jas:ok, ill be in the hay room!

Shane:I promise, ill return the favor soon.

He kissed my lips hard and ran out the bedroom to get jas her eggs for penny.

Jas:thanks uncle shane...why are you sweaty?
Shane:am I?
Jas:no, thats just what aunt marnie told me to ask you when I knew y/n was over
Shane:they aren't here though jas?
Jas:oh...are you lying?
Shane:they left already.
Jas:oh, whyd they come over?

Jas and Shane left the house and he walked her to the library. I left the house a few minutes later. Wiping cum off my cheek. I wanted...just one day of me and him. No stopping.

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