ch.10 the end of fall.

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It was raining, and I wanted to spend time in the sun again. I went to ginger island, other people came too but not Shane so I decided to hang out with Leo and work on my little hut out there. It was starting to become a nice looking place now. I was proud. I even talked to willy about if we should make a little getaway out here for people. It would bring him alot of money and whoever wanted to run it would be loaded. We haven't told anyone else though just incase it wasn't a good plan.

I realized I haven't seen Shane since Sébastien gave him the wrong idea again. I don't know why he keeps running away instead of just talking to me. Its so aggravating. Well I'm done and ready to lay on the beach.

*shanes POV*

stupid Sébastien. Ugh it's not his fault, its mine. I should have stayed i just got flustered and didn't want another interruption. But I've been planing this since their birthday so I have to do this right. Willy agreed to convince y/n to stay at the island for the night so we could be alone. I told marnie I was going to zuzu for the night and wouldn't be home till tomorrow and I'm meeting willy after he drops off everyone back home.

This is perfect. A place for just us. I got this. Ok.

*time skip to that night and y/ns POV*

Willy:just stay here tonight, ok? I think you need some time to yourself, you've seemed so stressed out.

Guess I'm staying. He's not completely wrong, I just also don't really like being alone. Leo left on the boat too so its just me. And the pirates wife but she doesn't move from her area. Guess I should make some dinner.

Its weird its actually kinda cold, I didn't bring a heater to this place so I'll have to make a note to get one for here. I already got a tv for out here so I won't get bored, but I just can't stop thinking about Shane. I spent a few hours just trying to get my mind off him but everything makes me wish he was here.

Y/n:I wouldn't be half as cold if Shane was here...or bored. Id probably still be really hungry but that's just cause I know how much he can eat. Yoba I miss him.

I laid on my bed wishing he'd turn up.

*shanes pov*

If...if I just stand here is that creepy? I mean its really cute to watch them get so sad that I'm not with them but it also makes me want to hold them tight. Willy already left for the night and it was just us. No one to interupt....we can we wanted. Fuck. Yoba dammit. I can't help it, I got a boner just thinking about everything we could do.

Y/n:ughhhhhh! This is stupid. Why cant I ever just calm down. He fills my every thoughts! I just wanna....hit...bite...
Y/n:shane?! What the fuck?!
Shane:I promised I'd make it up to you for your birthday...and other things.

I walked over to them as they sat up in bed. There was no chance in hell I was about to let anyone except y/n stop me. I wanted them. So fuckin bad.

Shane:can I?

I start to undo their pants. They nodded a little too excited. It made me laugh and excited, they wanted me just as bad. And with that we finally got our time.

*Y/n POV*

We spent the whole night teasing eachother bringing eachother to the brink with our mouths and hands only, then stopping just to get the other one angry. It was sweet torture. I didn't know but it was day time by the time we were about to actually have sex. Willy knocked on the door, both of us sweaty and neither of us finished. We yelled that we'd be out soon and kissed long and hard one last time, knowing it was what had to happen.

Willy took us home and the beach was covered in snow. As was the town. It was now winter. Which meant...Shane and I might be able to get more alone time.

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