ch.2 the saloon

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*Sébastiens pov*

Great their here. Whatever if I just focus on sam and Abby they'll leave sooner or later.

He flashbacks for a second to 15 y/o Y/N. Wearing a old black jacket that finally looked like it fit them. It had holes and old stains.

*in the flashback*
Y/N:seb! Oh my yoba! Where's your sister?
Seb:why do you still have a crush on her or something?

Seb laughed, his heart winced at the thought.

Y/N:very funny sebby. Hey you dyed your hair. It looks really good, you look cutier like this.

Fuck. No don't call me cute. Not in front of...

*Abby comes from behind seb with a wood sword*

Y/N:haha hey abs, nice to see you're just as protective of your boyfriend as ever.
Y/n:ok ok haha then you wouldn't mind me...

They grabbed me by the strings of my hoodie. My face was gone. All that was left was a melted puddle of red. They kissed me on the cheek and Abby ran off in anger and took Sam with her. They laughed, their laugh was like music to my ears.

*flashback over*

Whatever. They did that just to piss abs off. Not because they like me. Plus it seemed like they don't even remember me.

Seb:beaten again, man sam just give up.
Abby:go easy on him, its not his fault he's distracted
Seb:by what?

They are sitting alone at the bar. They have a beer and today's special in front of them but it looks like they haven't started eating. Abby shoves me.

Abby: still crushing?
Seb:no. Look to the right.

Shane was starring at them...again. just like he used to. He was so in love with them...then he left and they showed affection to me. And...

Abby:hey! Y/N, come hang out with us!

No. Abby no. Y/N smiled and brought their food and drink.

Y/N:hey guys! Whats up?

*Shanes POV*

Ok. I'll go talk to them. Alright here i go. Moving my legs. Left right left....or is it right left? Wait is it right right left oh yoba i forgot how to walk!

Abby: hey! Y/n, come hang out with us!

Aaaannnnnd their gone. Fuck. Oh and with Sébastien....I know they have a crush on them. Shit. I remember when they told me when we were little they liked Sébastien, it made me hate him. Then Abby came out of no where and hit Y/N, saying that her and seb were married and no one is allowed to have them. I also remember coming back into town and seeing them kiss as y/n left town. I was so angry. I didn't even know they were back, no one told me until I saw that ugly hoodie they used to wear all the time.

Man, I wish I had enough guts.

Pam:you know, Sébastien will make his move sooner or later. You shouldn't let them slip through your fingers...not again.

Pam walked back to her corner. I looked back at them laughing, why did it hurt to watch them laugh? Whatever. I should just go home.


Please someone come here. Please I feel so stupid I got so many pepper poppers, im not even hungry. Please Shane, I know you hate me now but please come here.

Abby:hey! Y/N, come hang out with us!

Wait she doesn't hate me anymore? Thank yoba. I missed this group, it used to be so much fun. Until Abbys crush on Sébastien got a little intense. I know I hurt her when I kissed his cheek but I did Apologize later for it. I even gave her my hoodie when I left as a goodbye token. I didn't think she'd still hate me but being back here without grandpa to run home to...its weird.

Plus I did like Sébastien for a while too. How could you not? Hes adorable, but those feelings died after Abby threatened me with a sword and I saw sam covered in snot and tears.

Y/N:hey guys, you want some? I just bought them for no reason I guess.
Sam:oh yeah! Thanks a bunch!
Sébastien:oh y-yeah. Thanks Y/N
Abby:stop stuttering, it seems like you have have a crush again.
Sébastien: Abby. Shut up.

After that Sébastien started to act "too cool" again. But he was having alot of fun, at least thats what it looked like. I saw Shane leaving, for a second I was gonna chase him but...I think he hates me for real. Man I wish I knew what I did.

Seb:hey, Y/N?
Y/N: yeah sebby?

Oops. I forgot that was a no no name. See during the summer when seb and I were 15 and I kissed his cheek we emailed alot. We never actually dated or anything but we flirted...alot. and he let me call him sebby. He told me, sam and Abby found out and they got mad so we stopped talking after that. It was upsetting but I understood, Abby was in love with him and I knew that he had feelings for her but I just couldn't help but like him.

Only when shane...but Shane hates me now. Man I wish I knew what happened.

Abby:aww sebby?!
Y/N:I'm so so sorry!
Abby:youre fine, I..I got over my crush a long time ago.
Sébastien: yeah actually her and I ended up dating for a few years but we just didn't like being with eachother that way. She's just too adventurous for me haha
Abby:yeah and he's too boring for me haha!
Sam:but you are both perfect for me!

Sam chimed in, he grabbed both their necks and kissed them on the cheek. They both pushed him and wiped their faces in disgust and laughed.

I looked back and saw Pam looking angry.

Y/N:hey whats up with Pam?
Abby:oh its probably Shane. I saw her talking to him earlier and he probably said something mean.
Sébastien:yeah ever since he started drinking he's become worse. No one wants to be around him anymore

A few hours pass and the trio go home. I decided to go to my tree again. As I get there I see it. Y/n 💜 Shane. But I also saw under it something I didn't carve..Shane 💜 Y/N. He did this? When?! Then I heard something and hid in a nearby bush.

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