ch.11 winter storm

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Its been 4 days into winter, but today they said there would be a really bad storm tonight and tomorrow. During the winter I don't really have any work to do so I've been going to ginger island fixing some stuff.

Marnie told me she was excited to see shane and I get married and handed me a condom. "Just incase, I don't want you guys to be unsafe." I stared at her and laughed. "Marnie I have condoms haha" she looked shocked as did Sébastien who had walked in.

Seb:uh hey Shane called me
Shane:Sébastien? Hey come here I need your help. Oh h..hey y/n. We are watching movies tonight still right?

We didn't make plans. So this was extremely confusing for a second.

Y/n:you bet on it, ive got all the snacks ready.
Shane:cool! Come on Sébastien
Seb:please just call me seb

They disappeared and Abby appeared outside marnies.

Abby:soooooo you wanted to have sex for the first time?
Y/n:what the actual fuck
Leah:damn Abby youre straight forward about it.
Sam:yeah you could be nicer. Or you know quieter

We all went to my house where Sam put a bunch of movies set up for tonight. Leah made some snacks and Abby brought joja cola.

Abby:we've all had sex, we are all assuming you haven't.
Y/n: depends on what you mean.
Sam:his dick in you not your mouth though.
Y/n:that is...a good explanation

They tried giving me tips but my brain just shut off. They've all done it already. So has Shane. Abby told me she did it with sebby and a girl she met in college before taking online courses. Then Sam told me him and Penny did stuff when Pam was out. And Leah had an ex who she did stuff with. I felt stupid and like I wanted to hide. Why do they know if Shane is wanting to do stuff anyway?

Abby:Shane texted me, ok Sébastien is getting ready to make sure no one will come to your farm. And Shane is coming.
Sam:cool, we'll go. Good luck y/n and don't forget, its ok to be scared just communicate

Thats the only thing I heard if I'm being honest...shane..planned this. So no one would come. Except us. Everyone left and I put the movie in and grabbed a drink. Shane walked in without knocking. I was wearing the outfit he bought under my clothes just like Abby said to.

Shane:hey, sorry I just wanted to be sure no one would disturb us.
Y/n:haha I get it. It was just alot at once. we don't HAVE to do anything if you're uncomfortable

*Shanes pov*

Please don't make me leave. Oh for fucks sake please I just...oh yoba I'm an idiot.

Y/n: no i do its just I found out alot about them all while they were here.
Shane:ooo like what?
Y/n:I think Abby cheated on sebby with a girl when she left for college
Shane:oh damn
Y/n:Penny and Sam have been a thing for a while too.
Shane:oh yeah they kept it a good secret but I accidently saw them one time in a tree kissing .

We laughed and watched the bad movies.


I don't want to keep being know what, I'm going to be exactly what I want from him.

Y/n:Shane. Fuck me. Please.

I looked at him with puppy eyes and holding myself as if I craved him, which I do but I needed him to see it.

Shane:fuck yes.

He growled and jumped onto me, I squeeled at the surprise. He bit my neck and went lower leaving marks on my ribs and my hips. He looked at me as if asking he he could do oral and I smiled and shoved his head down. I moaned loudly, I could feel his smile as I moaned.

*Shanes pov*

They are a really loud moaner. Fuck they taste so good. I bet they feel better.

Shane:are you ready?

They pulled one out from their nightstand. I smiled and they put the condom corner in their mouth.

Y/n:you want me come get it. No hands.

What the fuck did I do to deserve them. I climb back up and take the other corner and tear the condom wrapper. I put the condom on as they spit out the wrapper.

Shane:thats the only thing you're spitting out tonight. Right?

They laughed at me. And grabbed my face and kissed me hard. I finished putting the condom on and they flipped me over and climbed on top. Holy fuck they look amazing from every position. But thats also when I finally noticed...they wore the outfit.

Y/n:you didn't say anything about my new outfit.
Shane:I honestly was too excited to fuck you.
Y/n:yeah. I see that

They hopped onto my dick. And bounced. It..they felt so fucking good. They were so tight and they fell onto me.

Y/n:Shane! I'm im
Shane:me too!
Y/n:I want it so bad please Shane. Cum inside.

We both came at the same time, we moaned eachothers names. And it felt so good.

*y/n POV*

Y/n:round 2?

He chuckled and pinned me down

Shane:let's go until we can't move.
Y/n: cum on my face.

I didn't think before I spoke. He fucked me hard and the sound of my bed made it obvious we weren't going to bed anytime soon. We kept coming until around 6am when neither of us had energy left.

Y/n:we did. Until round 25.
Shane:you kept track?
Y/n:I had a bet with myself.
Shane:oh yeah?
Y/n:yeah you lost.
Shane:how long did you think I'd last.
Shane:50! Y/n thats a lot of cum
Y/n:don't think you have it in you?

We both laughed, tired and covered in eachother. I took a shower and he joined.

Shane:I've never fucked in a shower.
Y/n:26 it is.

Don't have sex in showers. Its not fun. It hurts its dry and wet at the same time its just bad. We still finished but once we were actually clean we went to eat breakfast.

Shane: 27.

He bent me over and took my underwear off. I was only wearing underwear and his shirt.

Shane:fu...fuck. y/n! Oh yoba!
Y/n:Shane! Fuck! more please more!

He came in my mouth shoving me to the ground to take his dick. I got up wanting more and making it obvious. We started watching a movie to take a break but I wasn't having it. The storm would end tomorrow morning. We had all day to hit 50. And I wanted his cock in my mouth again.

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