ch.3 the tree

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Marnie:come on, Lewis why cant we?
Lewis:because I won't be respected as the mayor anymore.

Oh it was just them trying to hide their relationship still. Gross. I got up and left and they both ran off. Everyone in town knows about them but no one cares, actually it makes some people annoyed with Lewis.

*Time skip to shanes birthday*

Ok let's try this again. "Hey shane. Uh how have you been, my guy"..wait no thats stupid then he'll think I meant like MY guy but.. oh yoba. Wait. Is that, seb?

Sébastien:hey! Whats up?
Y/N:...seb its 7am
Y/N:are you sick?!
Seb:fuck you.
Y/N: you wish.

Seb blushed. I shouldn't have said that but it just came out.

Y/N:I'm getting ready to see shane. I'm hoping I can give him a birthday gift. I uh...I found something a few weeks ago and...I'm not sure he actually hates me.
Seb:it was what shane carved into the tree wasn't it?

how'd he know?

Seb:yeah it was when he was leaving to the city. I found him crying at the little dock by the tree and we talked. He told me how he just wanted to see you again and say goodbye or tell you how he felt then he showed me the tree. He found it after you left for the last time before he left, he also said you stole his pocket knife. It was kinda painful to see not gonna lie. But I handed him my knife and he carved that into the tree underneath. I promised I'd show you if you ever came back...
Y/ didn't?
Seb:you kissed my cheek. I didn't want you to...I wanted...
Y/N:seb, I really liked you for a long time but I'm so sorry...I don't have those feelings anymore. Abby kinda freaked me out and forced them away. I didn't want to fight someone for you, I just wanted you to be...happy.
Seb:I wish she didn't act the way she had...

A silence came across us. Marnie ran to my farm and saw us

Marnie:y/n! Hey you told me to get shane up here but...oh yoba that is one rough run. Anyway he's by that old tree. He said he doesn't wanna see you. I'm sorry.

I ran. Straight to the tree.

*Shanes POV*

Huh...maybe..Sébastien just never showed them...wait thats completely possible. Oh no have I been a huge jerk this whole time for nothing? And even so maybe they just lost the feelings, we were kids...yoba I just wanna go...drink.

I hear someone running. I hid in a bush nearby.

Y/n: Shane! Fuck! He left...oh come on yoba?! You gotta make my life difficult? Ugh

They fell into the tree, they looked defeated. Sébastien came following soon after.

Seb: I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I should have. It was wrong.
Y/N:I get it, I probably woulda done the same thing. We were 15 and it was a weird time growing up. I just...why does Shane hate me?! I don't understand!

They burst into tears suddenly...just I tried to stand up. I tried with all my might but...

Seb:listen im sorry

He held onto them..they cried in Sébastiens arms. Why?! Why can't I fuckin stand. I should be the one...I should be there fuck!

Y/N:thanks sebby. But honestly I just..
Seb:I know. And...I'll deal with how I feel, I know I can't change the situation and I'm more than happy just being your friend. But give me a few weeks ok?

I'm so sorry SEBBY?! They call him by a cute nickname?! And what is happening?!

Marnie:did you find him?!
Y/n:guess he really hates me...he's not here. I think I should give up. He's..already done it.

No wait no! Please I haven't given up on you...maybe on everything else in my life and myself but not you! Fuck just stand up! Please.....

Marnie:I'm sorry...come on Sébastien we should give Y/N some time alone.

Alone. Alone is good. Maybe I can..maybe

Y/n: yoba? Why do you do this to us? I came back...twice. I only wanted to see him one time and the second I get back he's the first person I see...lit up by the morning sun with that horribly ugly joja hoodie haha...but it was him. And I just wanna know what I did.

Ok thats it. I'm standing up. Oh fuck I did it yes!


Sh...ane? Oh no no you heard that fuck no

Y/n:you heard all of that didn't you
Shane:want one?
Y/ 9am.

I'm not dealing with this. I threw his beers in the pond.

Shane:are you serious?! Thats my beer!
Y/n:thats why i did it. Stop drinking so much.
Shane:fuck you!
Y/n:you wish.

Why am I like this. I grabbed his collar as I said it and got really close to him. Both our faces were red but I didn't let go. He made me so angry. Why was being such a jerk?! He had no right.

Shane:let go. Or you will regret it.

He pushed me down and sat on my stomach. He pinned my hands down and got in my face.

Shane:you broke my heart. And then got mad when I didn't show you friendship again.
Y/n:broke your heart? how?!
Shane:you kissed Sébastien!


Y/n: you mean on the cheek when we were 15?
Shane:no. I mean the day I got back when you were leaving with your dad. You were getting in the car and i was getting off the bus. Sébastien was holding your hand! And you grabbed him and kissed him! smiled and left. I know it was you, you had that ugly fuckin hoodie you never took off for some stupid reason.

He let me go. He was crying. I...didn't kiss seb though. Not anytime besides the cheek.

Y/n:wait, are you sure it wasn't Abby?
Y/n: was the car black? was red.
Y/n:yeah my dad has a black suv. He's had that car since I was born. Abby has a red car.
Y/n:also when did you come back?
Shane:when I was 19
Y/n:Shane last time I visited was when I was 15. We are only 2 years apart. Plus when I left I gave Abby my hoodie, as a parting gift.

He sat their in shock. Tears drying quickly on his face

*shanes POV*

NO. wait but wait so they....they never

Shane: you..mean
Y/n:I think I'm gonna go. You have some things to think about. Oh and here, happy birthday. I'm sorry I made you cry.

They left. Whyd they...oh its 1pm they have stuff to do. They bought me something too? Oh favorite. Its a beer. Ha..they ended up replacing what they through out. Maybe I'll drink it later.

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