ch.4 summer

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*Y/n pov*

Wow the season ended. I haven't seen seb or Shane since shanes birthday but I knew seb wasn't gonna hang around me for a while. The weather got warm quick so I changed my outside clothes to a tank top and some shorts. I still wore the regular overalls that I liked for the farm work but still. I cleaned the left over debre that was on my farm and set up a layout plan for the future. I can't wait to get a few silos this summer, then by fall I should be able to get my first animal.

But before all of that. Seeds. Pierre already had a basket of new seeds for me to take and some extra fertilizer just incase. I paid and went. Back to my farm to find Sébastien knocking on my door.

Y/n: hey stranger
Seb:ha hey, wanna hang out today?
Y/n:love to but I have work first.
Seb:let me help then.

He watered as I planted and we put the fertilizer in. He seemed alot better since I saw him last, we accidentally brushed hands and his face didn't turn red. He just smiled and continued. It seems like it really worked.

Seb:oh do you have a bathing suit?
Y/n:uhhhh yeah I think, why?
Seb: all of us are headed to ginger island. The bar is opened so we all wanted to get going
Y/n:whos we all?
Seb:alex, Hayley, Abby, Sam, Shane, and Penny.

I helped willy with his boat a little after shanes birthday, it helped to distract me. He then took me over to ginger island and I asked gus if he wanted to run a bar out there, he gave me blueprints and I went to work there next. I spent most of spring out there and I loved it, I even met a little boy named Leo and Linus took him in.

Wait, Shane...he's actually going to a beach and relaxing...he oh yoba what if he takes his shirt off! I started blushing

Seb:haha you're blushing?
Y/n: no! Come on!

I dragged him inside and looked for my bathing suit. I shoved it in my backpack and we left.

Seb: youre adorable when you blush about him.
Y/n: oh adorable huh?

Shane was behind us but I didn't realize, he was listening as we walked to willys boat.

Seb: yeah. Super cute. Your little chubby cheeks get all red and you look like an angry crab

I held my cheeks and got sad. Seb got sad and grabbed my face.

Seb:no! I meant!

Then Shane grabbed my waist. And glared at seb as he walked me away.

Shane:youre not chubby in a bad way. There is not bad way of being chubby. Plus I'm sure you could destroy anyone in your path if you wanted.

I blushed and laughed. He didn't look at me for a second but still. Seb walked with Abby and Sam who were way behind. And Shane didn't let me go until we got to ginger island.

Shane:go get changed.

He pushed me to the rooms where he soon went into too. I wore my bathing suit. It was dark blue and showed alot of skin. As I walked out Shane stood there blushing.

Y/n: oh no are you getting a sun burn?
Abby:you look hot as fuck so he's probably getting burnt starring at you.
Y/n: haha thanks abs, you don't look too bad yourself haha
Abby:careful, I might fall in love next.

Shane turned and glared at Abby.

Abby:oh fuck was that how I used to act around you y/n? I get it now. Damn thats scary.

She left and Shane held his hand out.

Y/n: why aren't you wearing a bathing suit? don't need or want to see that.
Y/n:...but its the only reason I came

I whispered hoping he didn't fully hear me. Then Alex ran up to us.

Alex:Shane! Wanna play for old time sakes?
Shane:later, im wanting to spend some time with y/n
Hayley:like how you should spend time with me Alex!

She dragged him away quickly and Shane laid under an umbrella and pulled me next to him.

Shane: whyd you wanna see me shirtless of all people?
Y/n:I uh.....

*shanes pov*

I did hear them right...right? They wanted to see me shirtless..but that's weird isn't it? I mean I did only come on the chance to see them in a bathing suit soo...its not? But as their talking...I want more. I wish this place had a room or a house we alone in. my eyes keep running across their body. I just...wanna touch.

Y/n:cause Shane i wanted to see if you had any tattoos.
Y/n:what you think id stop my very important day just to come all the way to ginger island to see you half naked?!
Shane:well I did.
Y/n: what

Fuck no. I said that out loud that was an inside thought not an outside!

Y/n:well...hey! Wanna see something cool?

Thank yoba.


Y/n has been here alot. They helped willy fix the boat to start coming up here. They have been fixing stuff all over town, they even fixed the bar so people would want to come to ginger island. We stood infront of a hut. They brought me inside.

Y/n:isn't this super cool? I fixed it a few days ago. It took alot of work but its done.
Shane:...this is weird but, does anyone know about this place?
Y/n:well no, but I got some beds so I can sleep here over night. Oh I mean a bed, I guess I forgot I didn't want twin sized when its just me.

I know what I want to do...but fuck I wanna at least try. So here goes nothing.

Shane: hey...y/n...

Just take their hand and kiss them then let's see where this can go. Please don't panic Shane.

Y/n: sh...shane...I uh

*y/n POV*

Hes kissing me. He tastes like pina coloda. Oh yoba he's pushing into me. This is..his lips are so soft. His hands are starting to roam and grope...oh no don't grope no wait I'm not ready, wait! He pushed me into the bed and I move with his body we start to lay in bed, holding my hip and my leg. He looks like he's begging to be let in. I want him in. wait I have to wait. Right?

Shane:if you want me to stop i will. I just...please tell me if I step a boundary.

He starts to bite my neck. My hands start to roam now as my legs wrap around him I stop dead in my tracks. I didn't mean to go this far down. I wanted to rub his chest but..he's so big, it hardly fits in my hand. Fuck I'm scared now.

Y/n:I'm too scared to continue.

He got off immediately. He still had a huge erection but he just ignored it. I was still really horny but I'm just too scared to do anything. He held my hand and we went back to the beach. His...was gone and I had calmed down.

We got pina calodas and drank until willy called for us. We all said our goodbyes and seb,Sam, and Abby asked if they could spend the night. I didn't mind as since I got my house upgraded I have a bit more space now. first day of summer is final its time for  a sleep over I guess.

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