ch.5 sleep over maddness

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*Y/n POV*

ok the whole house is clean. Now time to make sure I have everything I need.

*knocking at the door*

Oh shit but they said at 8pm its only 7.

Hayley:hi. Alex and I are staying here tonight too.
Y/n: alrighty. So...come in, but you know no one else will be here till 8 right?
Hayley:yeah. I'm helping you.

Great, someone who has no nice bone in their body is going to "help". Whatever at least I can ask what kinda movies they like to have it set up.

Hayley:alright I put my Netflix, Alex's hulu, Abbys Disney plus, Sébastiens YouTube premium, and sams Spotify premium in your TV. That way everyone is happy.
Y/n:you have...everyone's stuff on you?
Hayley:yeah. We all shared our stuff so we'd only have to pay a tiny bit for all this stuff.

That's actually really cool, I mean they all just share their stuff...its not really what I expected from Hayley. I kinda thought her and Alex hated the trio.

Hayley:oh Alex is bringing healthy snacks and Sam said he'd get the junk food. Abby wants to bring beer and Sébastien said we are lucky hes bringing himself.
Y/n: hahaha his presence truly is a present. Haha
Hayley:hahaha he's been acting alot better since the last time you guys talked, I don't know what you said to him but it seems like he wants to be a person again.
Y/n:I really didn't say anything...
Hayley:wait, y/n are you ok?

I didn't know i was crying until she grabbed me. Why am I crying? I'm happy about Sébastien being a person. He's finally growing up....but its not him I'm sad about. It was was shane. I missed my chicken man.

Hayley:chicken man?

I said the last part out loud. Oh no.

Hayley:hahaha! Oh my god is that what you call shane?!

*knocking at the door*

Abby:hey whats the joke? I could hear you laughing from their mailbox
Seb:yeah whats so funny
Sam:hey I brought some chicken nuggets can I put them in your freezer?
Hayley:hahahah is that what your kids will be called hahaha

Hayley was on the floor holding her stomach her face was red from laughter and mine from embarrassment. Alex came in and put a bunch of food in the fridge and grabbed Hayley like she was his bride and put her on the bed.

Hayley:ok ok ok..oh yoba I haven't laughed like that in a while.
Y/n:so you're good now?
Abby:tell us what was so funny
Y/n:I called....I called shane my chicken man!

And I hid my face from seeing their reactions. Sadly though I didn't cover my ears. Laughter filled the room and Sam yelled, "thats why you made the comment about the chicken nuggets!" Which caused even more laughter. I looked up finally and everyone was on the floor holding their stomachs. It wasn't this funny.

I went outside and sat until the laughing died down. Seb joined me soon after.

Seb:want a smoke?

I took it along with his lighter. He looked at me surprised.

Seb:you smoke?
Y/n:I did a few times but I never let myself become addicted.
Seb:oh thats good. Sooo chicken man?
Y/n: oh come on the man loves chickens! Its adorable....
Seb:its pretty funny. So wanna head back in?

I didn't fully finish my cigarette so I put it out on the back of my shoe. He took the bud from me and walked me back in. He's usually the only smoker in town so it makes sense he wouldn't want to litter. Everyone had calmed down by the time we got back in, Sam had already got food set up and so had Alex. It seemed like they were batteling. I grabbed some chicken nuggets and some celery with peanut butter, so that neither of them would get sad. It was pretty spilt though, Abby took the nuggets and seb took the celery and Hayley did the same as me.

*knocking at the door*

Y/n:oh hi penny.
Penny:hey maru and I wanted to know if its ok if we come too....
Y/n:oh of course! I have 2 extra rooms, so space isn't an issue.
Maru:yay! Ooo food!

Penny took sams food, of course. And maru took Alex's. Still a split. The boys  both took some of eachothers food and laughed together.

* around 12am*

Abby:hey who's asleep?
Y/n:maru and Penny and Sam fell asleep an hour ago, Alex and Hayley fell asleep a while ago, Sébastien you are asleep. Welp looks like I'm the last one standing.

It was nearing 12:30 and I wanted to sleep but something felt wrong. Sébastien and Abby slept in my bed with me and the rest kinda cuddled in their own groups, Alex and Hayley cuddled Sam and Penny cuddled and maru had well maru stole some extra pillows. Maybe I should go for a walk, that should tire me out.

I went to marnies ranch and down toward where the spring onions usually grow. I haven't really been here in a bit but I remember it being quiet and one time when I was little I swear I saw a fat racoon panda thing. But this time when I got up was much worse. Shane....face down drunk.


*he goes on the conversation he usually does during this specific heart event. I really don't want to type it out im so sorry*

Y/n:the decision is yours but know that ill be here for you.
Shane:....y/n thanks. Hey I think its time for you to take me to the

I lifted him as much as I could. I knew if I took the way I came it would take way too long so we went though the sewers.

Krobus: um...y/n whos this?
Y/n:please help me he's not ok I need to get to Harvey's clinic but I can't carry him well.
Krobus: here.

Krobus helped me take him all the way and when I knocked krobus disappeared.

*i also know you don't meet krobus until the winter and can't be his friend until the museum gets 60 items but leave me alone this is fanfiction not fact*

Harvey:thank you for bringing him y/n
Y/n:is he gonna be ok?
Harvey:I've pumped his stomach and rehydrated him, for now he's ok but...if he keeps up like this then I can't help him anymore. When he wakes up ill talk to him about therapy in zuzu.
Y/n:thank you Harvey. Can I stay with him for a bit?
Harvey:yeah, but only a few minutes

I stared at him, there was a yoba symbol on the wall made me chuckle. An atheist but here's a yoba symbol hovering over. He's so cold. I saw his eyes blink and he flinched. I waited still holding his hand. He whispered "y/n...I'm so sorry...y/n" I smiled and kissed his head as I walked out. I got back and Sébastien was waiting for me on the porch.

*Shanes POV*

Y/n? Oh yoba no....they brought me to the hospital. What did I say to them? What happened. Oh my head.

Harvey:hey shane.
Shane:Harvey? Did they leave for good?
Harvey:yeah. They do have people over tonight, youre really lucky they found you in the first place.
Shane:did they tell you what happened?
Harvey:not everything, you definitely said something to them that scared them but they wouldn't tell me what it was. Now shane, we need to talk about therapy. If not for your own sake for y/ns sake.
Shane:alright where do we start.

I will beat this. I love them....I don't...I don't want to leave them like this. Ill get better.

*Sébastiens POV*

Well they are back. They look so sad...I wonder what happened.

Seb:hey, out late?
Y/n:hey sebby.

They grabbed me and held tight as they cried into my hoodie. It was shane. I knew it. Something bad must've happened.

Seb:where is he?
Seb:is he ok?
Y/n:for now.

I brought them in, we slept in one of the empty rooms as we played a shitty Netflix movie. They slept on my chest and even though I loved every second of it I knew better than to let my mind wander. I ignored the feelings, It was hard and hurt but they aren't mine and they won't be. I passed out soon after.

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