ch.12 lets hit 50.

382 11 2

I pull his boxers down and start sucking. He smiles and grabbed the back of my headed nodding it up and down letting me have guidance. Fuck he tasted so good.

Shane:fuck y/n how are you so good at this?
Y/n: because, I want to be.
Shane:you watched a bunch of porn didn't you?
Y/n:you want this dick sucked or no?

He grabbed me and pinned me to the bed again.

Shane:nah, I think its time for me to work. Dont you?

I blushed he tied my hands to the backboard and bit and kissed and sucked on every part of my body he could. He moaned every time he moved to a new part. I saw he was jerking himself off as I came.

Y/n:sh...Shane oh fuck please, let me be the reason you cum.
Shane:you are watching you squirm when you cum makes me hard and then how you moan makes me want to cum all over you.
Y/n:then do it. Chicken man.

He laughed and shoved his cock in my mouth forcing me to suck and take his cum when he was ready.

He untied me and we went to the kitchen for drinks. That's when I saw marnie in my window.

Y/n: shane...

I grabbed onto him rubbing on his leg which made him hard quickly. He grabbed my waist and started to kiss my neck.

Y/n:why the fuck is marnie at our window?

*Shanes POV*

O..our window? Wait marnie?! Thank yoba I'm wearing pants.

Shane:marnie! What the fuck!
Marnie:Shane! Hey, listen um jas misses you and wanted to know you were ok since you haven't answered you phone.
Shane:how did you get up here? Seb blocked the whole farm!

Why Does she have to come and ruin this?! Fuck my boner is tucked and it hurts. They are sitting on the table playing with some food and I just want to have my fun.

Shane:marnie, why are you here honestly?
Marnie:you can't be with someone like this and not get married Shane!
Shane:who said i didn't want to marry y/n?!
Shane:of course im marrying them. But i haven't gotten any time with them until now. And you guys constantly ruining our time is kinda a killer on anything.

She left at long last. Now I have to deal with y/n...I was gonna propose in fall but we were so focused on...eachothers desires. Now I have to do it now.

*Y/n POV*

I....ok ok so he..wants to i mean its not surprising. Its just not how I wanted to be told. Oh no hes getting something out of his backpack. Oh no its a...oh yoba he's just going for it. No time wasted today I guess.

Shane: I had a really good plan....she ruined it.
Y/n:YES! OH yoba yes!!!

I jumped into his arms and we fell to the floor. As we laughed he put the necklace on me and kissed me. Now I still want to get to 50. We are only at 29.


*time skip that night*

Y/n:99. We....99.
Shane:fuck me
Y/n:but we just finished.
Shane:ha no I mean like yoba that was...youre... fuck. it was really nice
Y/n:haha oh ok. Ah want something to drink?
Shane:please. Water.
Y/n:shane....are you sure you want to marry me?

No hesitatetion. He took the cup of water and downed it. The storm was over now and he could go home....but soon this will be his home.

Shane:do you want to marry me, y/n?
Y/n:I've wanted to marry you since I was 6. And that won't ever change, youre my chicken man.
Shane:so our kids would be chicken nuggets.
Y/n:I hate you.
Shane:if you really did you wouldn't have fucked me almost 100 times. Haha
Y/n: fair point.....100.

I jumped onto him and started leaving marks. From his neck down the rest of his body. I bit and sucked everywhere I could. Until he moaned.

Shane:excusse me?
Y/n:fuck me right here.

He bent me over and fucked me on the floor. He ended up coming on my ass and my floor.

Shane:oh y/n, fuck. 100 times.
Y/n:can we cuddle?
Shane:of course chicken.

We cuddled until 8pm. Shane left and told me in 3 days we'd get married. So I waited for those 3 days. I wonder if every night we'd try to beat this number. We'd definitely have more time. I missed him, itd only been a few hours but I didn't want to go by marnies.

It was the next morning, I stayed up cleaning and getting everything settled and there was my chicken man sleeping in my bed.

Y/n:we aren't married yet, what are you doing?
Shane:shhhhh I'm dreaming of 101.

I hit him playfully and he woke up with a smile.

Shane:youre right, why dream when I can make it a reality.

He started kissing my neck and then biting it alittle. I felt his breathing in my ear, it was hot in more ways than 1.

Shane: y/n....I love you. You know that right?
Y/n:yeah. And I love you too.

We ended up cuddling until his phone went off. He had therapy. He kissed me goodbye and that was that. In 2 days we'll be married. He will be my husband.

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