Chapter 77

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We didn't say a word until we were off the property of the North Eastern pack.

"Ulrich. Maybe you should reconsider." Dakota suggested.

"Why would I do that?" He said.

"Uniting against the wolves who are going around and changing people? It doesn't sound like a bad deal. Especially if the C.C.C. doesn't have to get involved."

"That means we'd have to live here. No individuality. No space to do what we want."

"I'm with Ulrich on this one. That shit she was spewing about witches? A tad discriminatory, don't you think?" Bayne said.

"Maybe she didn't mean it like that. It could've just came out wrong." Dakota defended.

"She called their powers 'unnatural'. Are you forgetting that the witches have helped us time and time again? Are you forgetting that Erin, YOUR pack leaders son, is part witch?" Bayne argued, taking a step forward into Dakota's space.

"Enough fighting! We should just get out of here right now." I spoke up.

I appreciated Bayne defending me. Aspen didn't discriminate against gay people, but apparently she discriminated against another part of me. The witch part that was bestowed upon me from my mother was deemed unnatural by her.

We made our way to the helicopter and flew out. Tension was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. We couldn't hear anything for several hours.

We finally made it home much later in the day. My body was tired, and my neck sweat continued to soak the wool.

"Are you cold, son?" My father asked on our walk back.

"Er. No. I like it for...The aesthetic. Yeah."

"Kids and their aesthetics." He replied, most likely seeing through my weak lie.

Dakota went in by himself. He and my father were not happy with each other. We dropped off our stuff in Bayne's room.

"I have to go check in with Sirius, make sure none of the younglings had a human snack while we were away."

He left me alone to revel in the thoughts of the night before. I thought having sex for the first time would make me feel different. Like I'd have a new perspective on the world.

But I felt the same, only deeper connected with Bayne.

He was incredibly skilled. He seemed to know all the right places for maximum pleasure. I just feared it wasn't as satisfying for him.

I unpacked and joined the others downstairs. It was dinner time, everyone was bussing in and out to get their baked potatoes and brisket.

Romulus was eating with Jaxson. He appeared to remain gloomy, but at least he was eating. Raven was with them as well.

"How was the pack gathering?" Romulus asked. I joined them.

"Not great...They want the packs to unite into one large pack."

"What? Why?" Romulus questioned.

"They think it would be better to eliminate the threat as one. Ulrich refused."

"I don't see why it's a bad thing. My coven is so small, just me and Marcus. I would love if witch covens would ban together."

"I don't know. My father seems really reluctant with it."

"If Aspen was as persistent as you say I'm sure she'll be back." Romulus said.

The major influx of wolves didn't stop. Over another week, our numbers continued to grow. There were soon not enough beds for everyone. The original pack members were getting frustrated. Still, my dad insisted on opening our homes to all of them.

A meeting was called, requiring all the wolves to attend. There weren't enough chairs for everyone. Some started sitting on the floor and along the stairs. The pre-meeting chatter volume was twice as loud as before.
I looked for a seat by Romulus, but he was no where to be found. I joined a spot on the ground by Jaxson.
Ulrich called for their attention. Bayne, Sirius, and Dakota sat up front.

"I've called you all here to talk about the changes we have made, and changes we will need to make to accommodate our growing numbers."

"It's getting over crowded! Before I only had to share my room with one other person. Now there's four of us in one room!" Hunter shouted.

"The bathroom lines are unbearable." Armstrong added on.

"Ulrich, they are unhappy. Something needs to be done." Dakota rested back in his chair, looking almost pleased.

"We are not doing that. We will adapt."

"How are we supposed to adapt? We will either have to join Aspen, or begin turning younglings in need away. Your call, Ulrich." Dakota said, playing with his red facial hairs.

My father balled up his fist and slammed it on the table, as if it were a gavel silencing a court room. The room went quiet.

"Enough! We will vote on this among the guardians. Sirius. Dakota. Bayne. Do we join the mission to unite all packs of Canada, or do we begin turning younglings away?" He asked them.

Dakota spoke up first.

"I think we should join Aspen. You know that. That's where my vote lies."


"I don't want to join some schmoozing pack in Quebec. I'd say we have to start turning them away. I don't want to, but what other choices do we have?" Sirius said, saying the most reasonable words he'd ever say in his life.

"Alright. Bayne. What do you think. This is the final call. What should we do?"

All eyes were on Bayne. He opened his mouth to speak.

The front door opened. It was Romulus, Raven, and Marcus. His hair was dark and styled. His suit was a deep blue. It was a contrast to Raven's signature jeans and boots.

"Sorry we're late. Ulrich, I have a proposition. If you will allow it." Romulus said.

My father stood up taller in his seat. He leaned closer to them.

"Please share." He said.

"As everyone knows, the lodge is getting way overcrowded. We are running out of options. But I may have come up with a solution. Raven, if you will." Romulus said.

Raven stepped forward. Her eyes scanned the crowd as they all turned towards her.

"I don't think I've met all of you yet. Hi, my name is Raven, and this is Marcus. We are witches. We live in a home through the woods. It's a big house. Our coven is small, it's just the two of us there now. There's lots of open space. Space that we aren't using... Romulus and I were thinking that maybe some of the wolves could come life there, with the supervision of a guardian, of course. It may not be a permanent fix, but maybe it can help the over crowing that's happening right now." Raven said.

"Thank you, Raven. That is very kind of you to offer up your homes. Marcus, are you sure you're alright with this?"

"I was opposed to it at first, but Raven convinced me. We have been allies for a long time now, and I am willing to help the pack out."

"It's settled, then. Sirius and Bayne will oversee the transferring of younglings to the coven tomorrow morning."

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