Monster's Return + Additional Info (A/N - will be deleted later)

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For those who don't follow me (which you should! I don't bite + I post most announcements there exclusively + that's where I am most active and you'll hear about everything more), this is what I posted on my board:


Hey! Been a while since an announcement addressed to you guys has gone out, huh? Anyway, my mental health has been a little better recently (aside from a little over a week ago, but that was short and got sorted) and I've gained motivation to finally get 'Monster' back on track after however many months it's been.I haven't begun actually writing the newest chapter, but that's because I have been making progress in the *planning. I don't clearly mark the arcs in Monster as I did in Remix/Mayhem, but I want to note that the most recent chapter as of now (The Amalgamation of Tsukishima Kei and Yaku Morisuke [pt.2]) was the end of that arc. I'm in the middle of some reworking before I start back to writing. (Monster is a Quirkless!Au+TokyoGhoul!Au+haikyuu/bnha/assclass[crossover]+m!reader fic filled with all the right chaos for those who don't know!)I'm going to give more details in an author's note posted in Monster, so add it to your library to get the notification if you haven't already! Also, if you were interested in Monster and didn't start reading it because of the lack of updates, those are getting back on track in the near future, so save it and start reading so you'll be caught up for new updates!*planning – note: Monster is my only currently published work that is laid out ahead of time clearly on a different platform. I didn't like the way it was going pacing-and-order-wise, so I've spent the last few hours reading the whole book over twice and then reworking the next four planned arcs to fit better.


TLDR: Monster IS coming back! I am currently reworking my planning for the next four arcs because Monster is planned ahead so the chaos is controlled. Follow me so you can get future announcements on my board (will be clearly marked, you'll know what's important before you click on it).

Now for other info:

For starters, those of you who have been following this for a while may have noticed the format change + the removal of all the music. This was simply to make further production of the story easier, as finding a different song for each chapter to listen to, finding a long enough version, etc. + inserting the old line breaks took forever.

Though I went back and got rid of both of those things, I haven't edited any of the chapters aside from part of the introduction, which may or may not happen, but either way won't take place in the near future. If you guys can't tell already, I don't need anything else to sidetrack me.

If any of you were reading Monster and Love + Lucca, you may remember that announcements for both were often paired because I worked on them at the same time. If you're wondering where L+L (the more successful of the two) went, it hasn't been deleted, just temporarily taken down. I messed up the pacing of the subplots and even though I said I was, I actually wasn't in a place where I had the time to read the whole thing over and redo it the way I needed to to continue it past the point where it stopped. I've taken it down for now so I can create a blank copy of the book and rewrite it properly (likely with an outline like Monster) when Monster's up and steady. 

Next, I've mentioned in other places about Remix/Mayhem and L+L getting rewrites or touch-ups in the future. Even though I've only gotten one PM asking about it, I'm going to say here that I have no intention of rewriting, redoing, or seriously reworking Monster outside of an unlikely editing session in the future. Monster is honestly my personal favorite of my works, but I can't go through this entire thing and do it over without help. That, and I like the way it's going, so I don't feel the need to go back on anything.

I also want to remind you all that I am a student – I play sports, have other extracurriculars, and have plenty of homework. Please be forgiving for the lack of a schedule. I can try my best to try and hold on, but I'm telling you now that at best, I'll be going off time intervals and not a concrete constant schedule anytime soon. That never worked long-term for me, and I find it harder to start when I have a definite deadline. 

Lastly, it is a side project, but I do have an original short story I'm slowly working on (unpublished). I hope to give some time to that, but I likely won't get to it for real for a while. Just be aware that if updating seems even slower at any time, that could be why. 

That's all I've got for now!

I'm ending this A/N here and am going to get back to Monster's planning before I go to bed (I drank coffee late at night on accident again, forgot caffeine was a thing + I have arcs 4, 6, & 7 planned but am trying to figure out what the f/ck I'm gonna do with arc 5). 

Reminder that this will be taken down when updates start back up, and I'm going to delete the a/n as a whole because I don't want it in my drafts. If you have any questions now, later, or whenever, even after the a/n is gone, comment somewhere, ask on my board, PM me, hell, tag me on your own board, I'll answer.


Monster (xMale!Reader | FIC)Where stories live. Discover now