Chapter Eight: How Time Flies

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After two more weeks had gone by, things had begun to move on to the next thing. Of course, everyone remembered, everybody knew Yamaguchi was missing, and a select few had known of his fate. 

Tsukishima had returned to school. He was quick to kick the two newer students out of his and Yamaguchi's desks before even greeting anyone. To say the two weak ghouls were offended would be an understatement, and several wondered why their teacher never seemed to be around to step in. 

"Who do you think you are, showing up suddenly and trying to push us around?" Nobuta sneered.

"This was my seat before you got here, and I want it back," Tsukishima said with a scowl. "your friend can get out of the other seat while you're at it, too. You're stinking it up."

He wasn't just talking, either. The two of them smelled funny, like houses built in the twenties and cheap chapstick. One of them also smelt of cheap cologne, and Tsukishima wanted to gag lightly at the scent. 

The two stood up, a feral look in their eyes. Todoroki and (Y/n) stood as well, not wanting this to get ugly. Of course, everything happens before or after school when no adults are around. It was alright at first, but it was just beginning to get on everyone's nerves at this point. They'd gotten tired of relaxation-free mornings.

"Back off guys," (Y/n) demanded. "give Tsukishima a break. It was his seat, to begin with anyway."

"Why should we?" Chōsuke sneered.

"Dude's friend just died," (Y/n) uttered, looking down slightly. "so it'd be better for you not to sit in a dead man's seat."

Todoroki gave Tsukishima a sympathetic look at (Y/n)'s harshness. The blond had flinched, being reminded of what he had tried to hard to forget. Luck just hadn't been in his favor recently, though, it seemed. He'd purposely stayed out late in hopes of some accident happening, but he'd made it home every single time. 

None of the ghouls in the room missed the scent of blood, only a little less than fresh, coming off of him. 

"It's been over a month, Shouto," (Y/n) stated, reaching under his cousin's bed.

"He's only been gone for three weeks—"

"No. It's been over a month since Shiota and Akabane last went hunting," (Y/n) said.

"Oh, right... I forgot about that with all this crap going on."

"I only remembered 'cause I was smart enough to set a reminder."

"Wow, you did something intelligible."

"Ha. ha," (Y/n) laughed sarcastically, tossing Todoroki his mask. "let's go out tonight. We might see them."

Tokoroki grunted in response and pulled the black mask over his face. If he was honest with himself, he wasn't even hungry. His school life had suddenly become so eventful since school began; eating and hunting were by far the last things on his mind. That said, he might not get the chance to learn a better way to do this again. God knew his father couldn't show him such a thing.

"Kaminari, have you heard?" Kirishima whispered, pulling the blond back from the rest of their friends.

"Of what?" he asked, annoyed.

"One of the ghouls in Itona's class died like... a few weeks ago, I think. They've been good at keeping it on the down-low, but someone from the top class has been telling people."

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