Chapter 20: Square One (Second Base)

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(Kami pov: minor recap + wondering abt kiri + situation w/ blood?)

"The murders in the Nagano prefecture have once again risen. There are seventeen... sorry folks, now eighteen casualties that we know of as we speak. We recommend that you take care to arrive home before sunset. This is vital for citizens further south. The casualties are all ghouls, but it's better to be safe than sorry."

Kaminari changed the channel. 

'NHK WORLD-JAPAN Interrupts Your Program for Breaking News'

"Breaking News! We've come across another casualty of the string of ghoul murders in the Nagano Prefecture. I'm Yua Yajima from NHK WORLD-JAPAN, and today my team and I have discovered a body on the border between Nagano and Shizuoka. Unfortunately, we did not see the perpetrator, but we have called for help. As you can see, the ambulance stationed behind me is loading the ghoul onto a stretcher to take her to the hospital. Considering the geographic trend of the deaths, we strongly suggest that the southern Nagano and northern Shizuoka prefectures get home as soon as possible. Whoever or whatever is behind this is still on the loose. For more information, turn to NHK WORLD-JAPANS main station. This concludes your emergency news."

The channel changed back to a kids' cartoon. Kaminari changed back to the news station.

"I just don't understand why we are running like mice in the midst of a great cleanse. Ghouls are the only casualties, which is what we want! The fewer of them that are around, the safer the general human populous is," Enji Todoroki, recently promoted to squad leader of his sector, said. 

A sour taste spread on Kaminari's tongue at the officer's exclamation. These broadcasts were similar to those of a few years ago when Kaminari was finishing primary school. A short, sudden, and devastating wave of death surged through Japan's population of ghouls. Families were torn apart and exposed in the process, further leading to their demise if they didn't flee or go into hiding.

His curiosity about that situation was what got Kaminari into his current line of business. At first, he had assumed there was some ghoul-specific virus; however, the fruit of his digging was his first run-in with a kakuja. He'd never heard of the true cannibalizing ghouls before, but he learned quickly. What Kaminari wouldn't give to not call Tooru Oikawa for the first time. 

"Aren't you ignoring the possibility everyone at home is wondering about, though, sir? How do we know another kyanika isn't emerging? This mystery person's or thing's course of action is very similar to that of three years ago when that monster your squad caught was on the loose."

Kaminari scoffed. Enji Todoroki's squad did manage to get a blood sample after a battle with Oikawa when he was first coming up, but they were nowhere near catching him. A bystander said that he got away, and the Doves couldn't have found him later, considering he is very much alive now. There would be no way for them to catch him, even wit a sample. Oikawa has no criminal record, and he was originally born in China due to his parent's work.

His scoff was also towards the reporter's terminology. As much as it makes sense for them not to know the specific language ghouls use to describe each other, how would they, their own terms are unnecessarily nasty. Kyanika... slang for calling ghouls bugs. Humans are on pretty high horses to be prey animals in the modern age.

"The... victims of these murders have not been consumed in any portion, like the victims of the past. They were simply killed."

Todoroki Enji was good at lying, Kaminari thought. He'd seen a couple of the bodies. He couldn't speak for all of them, but the last one he saw had the meat pulled from between the ghoul's ribs. If that didn't imply the guy had been eaten, he didn't know what did. 

Kaminari thought briefly if he should look into this more, despite his hesitance. Useful information (either for selling or for his safety) could come from snooping around. However, Kaminari wasn't completely stupid. If whoever this had already killed however many ghouls and if they were probably a kakuja... what would stop them from killing him? He had been useful to Oikawa, but he had no clue what he was up against. (Is it time to redeem one of my favors, he thought.)


(733 Words)


(I know it's been well over a year, and that the chapter is short, but hear me out! I've given my reasons for my absence in several places, so I'm not gonna do that again, but I do have a reason for making the chapter so short. Usually, I like to have a word goal of at least 2000 words for this story, but it's a little hard for this chapter. I don't name the arcs in the chapter titles, but this is the first chapter of the current arc. This particular arc has a lot going on, and it's hard to start all of the subplots in a way that is satisfying . That's part of what has been giving me so much trouble. I decided to just relax on my 2000+ wpc, and start the subplots that make sense together, even if this section of the story ends up having shorter chapters at first. I'll probably end up making the next chapter(s) a second part to this one. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this short bit that took me way too long to decide on. Lastly, if you don't already follow me, I would recommend doing so! Announcements on Monster go up there, and I think I'll be coming out with another crossover AU soon!)


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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