Chapter Eleven: "Stay Out of It"/"It's Over"

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"For now, I want you guys to leave Monoma to me," Yachi told them the next day. "I know you guys might want to help, but it'll be safer if you don't get involved. It'd be better if you forgot about the problem—can you tell Kaminari the same? I don't know who he is."

"What? You want us to do nothing?" (Y/n) asked incredulously. "you can't be serious."

"I'm serious. Stay out of this, all of you," Yachi said.

"You aren't even a Crow, why should you be involved?" Itona inquired. "it sounds to me like you should be just as uninvolved as the rest of us."

"I am uninvolved, Itona." Yachi moved a strand of hair out of her face, trying not to sigh. Lying caused her stomach to turn violently—worse than any human food could make her.

"How are we supposed to know this is being handled? No offense on your judgment, but if Monoma gets caught he'll throw all of us under the bus," Karma pointed out.

"Yeah. Yachi, he won't be as easy to convince as Kaminari; Monoma is insane," Nagisa agreed. 

"Did you know that crows never forget the face of those who have wronged them?" Yachi asked. "my grandma ran over one ten years ago, and she still can't get out of her car without getting bombarded by crows at the park where it happened."

"What's your point?" Todoroki asked, glaring lightly.

(Y/n) frowned at her. "Are we supposed to put our trust in some secretive organization just because of a namesake?" (Y/n) rested his hand on the back of his neck. "You can't be serious."

"How do you know the Crows, anyway?" Isogai added.

"Guys, I can't tell you how I know the Crows, and...your worries are valid. You don't know what's going to happen, and neither do I," Yachi admitted sadly. "however, you guys need to let this go and let them handle it. You don't even want to be involved, you just don't want to trust others right now... but you've already done a lot of that. Do it some more."

"Seriously?" Itona looked unsure.

"I mean, Itona, you go around without a mask and have a unique set of kagune. Karma and Shiota are SS ranked individually, and Todoroki and Okina are Kira Koneko, and nobody trusts them because of how messed up they are; no offense. ("None taken...")," Yachi said. "If you guys can trust each other, you can at least try to trust the Crows, can't you?"

The guys all looked at each other and seemed to be having a silent conversation that Yachi couldn't read. She wasn't sure what she would do if they didn't go with it. She meant what she said. Everyone in this room (aside from maybe Isogai) could easily get rid of her on their own without a thought. 

What other way was there for her to get the message across? If they were to interveined, someone would get killed, whether that be by Crows, the Blood, Monoma, Doves, or anyone else possibly involved. The last thing she needed on her mind was a higher death count among her friends.  

The thought caused panic to rise in her. What would she do if Akabane wasn't there to cheer her up with his crude humor? How would she handle him if Shiota was never there to dial things down? What would things be like if Itona went away? Todoroki? Okina? She hadn't known Isogai for long, but she didn't want him to die either.

"Guys," Yachi piped up quickly. "I know you guys are all strong and can take care of yourselves, but I don't want anything to happen to you. I couldn't live with myself if you all got involved and something happened."

They all looked at each other. Karma sighed dramatically before ruffling Yachi's hair. He gave her his charming-yet-devious smile. 

"Damn," he said. "you must be growing on me because I'm willing to stay out of this mess. Way to guilt-trip a monster."

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