Chapter Twelve: It's Over (pt.2)

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Monoma showed up to school the next day quietly. He'd heard Nagisa on the phone with Karma the night before, and didn't want to run into the redhead. He didn't know what happened to Nagisa or (Y/n), if he was honest. Knight had chased after Nagisa and (Y/n) when they ran off, and he'd rushed into the nearest open establishment before he couldn't even wonder if anyone else was around.

He tried to make it to class without being noticed, but he knew he'd never have such luck. Monoma didn't expect Karma to be waiting for him, though. Monoma hadn't even had time to react before Karma pulled him into an empty club room roughly.

"Akabane!" Monoma feigned excitement.

"Where is he?"


"Where is he?!"

"I don't know, Akabane! We split up and—"

"Neito," Karma said, sickly sweet. "if you don't tell me where Nagisa is by two, I'm going to tie you up and leave you in last night's alley for the kakuja as a peace offering, got it? So, tell me, where is Nagisa? You're going to tell me, now."

"I told you I don't know!"

Karma threw him across the room, grabbing him with a kagune through his stomach before he could hit the wall. He was seething. Monoma had never truly felt as threatened as he did at that moment. Knight hadn't managed to strike that much fear into him. He truly thought he was going to die.

"You have until two, and don't think I won't keep my promise. I've been a lot better about that lately."

Karma let him drop to the floor before leaving the bathroom. He held in a growl. As hostile as he wanted to be, he was more afraid than anything. Nagisa hadn't shown up to the usual pre-school ghoul drama as he usually did, and he wasn't at his house when Karma dropped by in a panic the night before. 

He stopped by the classroom in hopes of finding Nagisa talking to Itona, an unimpressed look targeted at (Y/n) and Todoroki, or a pitiful one to Tsukishima. Instead, he found Itona actively ignoring Todoroki and (Y/n). (Y/n).

"(Y/n)," Karma said calmly. 

"Akabane, hey," (Y/n) replied. "where's Shiota?"

Karma's stomach climbed and crawled into his lungs, scratching at his inner walls roughly for purchase. "You don't know?"

"No. After we ditched Monoma, Shiota shoved me off a building and stopped running," (Y/n)'s voice began to waver with grim realization as he spoke, his tone quieting even more than the hushed whisper he used around his human classmates. "I hit my head and blacked out for a while before Shouto found me and dragged me home...I..."

"Shiota's arm was in the alley; we assumed the worse," Todoroki said.

"Wait, wait," Karma said after going quiet. He and Todoroki had split ways quickly post landing in the alley, and neither of them stuck around to see what Uraraka did after. Todoroki had found (Y/n) and hadn't thought to maybe let him know that they weren't all dead. "why didn't you mention that you found (Y/n)? I gave you my number weeks ago, you could have told me. I would have looked in the area more."

"I... uh..."

"This is why you two can't form alliances," Karma spat. "you do this shit, then get offended when people don't like you. Screw you guys. Itona, we're skipping to go check the area again for Nagisa. We'll drag Isogai out of class if we have to."

Itona didn't protest, getting out of his seat and grabbing his stuff. After hearing what (Y/n) had said, he wondered if Karma was in denial. He should've known that Nagisa wouldn't be able to fend off Knight, or King, and definitely not the Emperor. The fact that Nagisa gave up on escaping also bothered Itona. Had things gotten bad enough for him to give up on fixing it?

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