Chapter Six: "Welcome To Rakuyama!"

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Isogai felt sick. His head was still spinning with the thoughts of what happened. It had been a week now, and he still had no idea how to get back to the ghoul who helped him. He had no name, ghoul or otherwise to go on. All Isogai knew was that the ghoul was a Crow, but that wasn't helpful.

There were several generations of Crows, and even if the ghoul who helped him didn't seem old, there were still at least four or five possible generations of Crows that the ghoul could belong to. There was also the factor that it wasn't often that you stumbled upon a crow who was wearing the group mask. I was lucky he was there, even more so nice enough to help.

As he neared Rakuyama Academy, he couldn't help but gag at the thought of what else happened that night. That was another reason he wished to contact the ghoul so bad... Isogai needed to know if he was alive. His memories of the night were faint, but he wasn't stupid. Isogai knew well that he had to have gained the strength to regenerate from somewhere.

Some other parts of the night still puzzled him as well, or rather, a certain event the next morning. Isogai had woken up in his small home in the room he shared with his siblings. How had he gotten there? As amazing as the Crows could be, the ghoul probably didn't know where he lived. He also remembered in the small time he had been awake to eat that he was definitely not at home.

Isogai had heard some familiar voices as well, but he figured that that part of his vague memory was most likely a trick of his mind. After all, he knew for a fact that no one he was familiar with was a Crow, so the other voices were in his head.

"Isogai," Itona called, tapping the brunet on the shoulder. 

"Itona!" Isogai sounded surprised as he jumped slightly, abandoning his former thoughts. "don't scare me like that..."

"Nagisa and Karma would have met you, but they're kind of dealing with something else," Itona stated, "oh, and we all know what happened to you."

Isogai wanted to ask, but decided against it. He figured that maybe the Crow wasn't the only other ghoul nearby, and when that's the case news always spreads quickly. Isogai asked about the classes, and where his was placed. Itona sighed, almost sounding disappointed when he saw the room number.

"You're not in our class," Itona said upfront, "you're in the same class as the guy who could have exposed me a while ago."

Isogai gave him a puzzled look.

"Just by that statement alone, I'm getting the feeling that there is a lot I should be filled in on." Isogai sighed, scratching his upper arm.

"Hey, Nagisa!"

Karma had just gone in the building in order to ask Yachi about Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. Nagisa had decided to stay outside for a while before the bell rang, and he was strongly regretting his choices. The short, blue-haired teen would rather die than deal with these two guys at the moment. I should have gone with Itona... 

"Hey, Girly! Don't ignore us!"

Nagisa turned on his heal, giving the two others a sickly sweet smile.

"Tanaka... Takada... how nice to see you guys," Nagisa said, "can I help you with something?" 

"You've got to be joking!" Nagisa grumbled, stepping into the classroom. Behind him, Tanaka Nobuta and Chōsuke Takada waltzed in, slightly uncomfortable expressions splayed on both of their faces.

The look only seemed to grow when they made brief eye contact with Itona.

Nagisa's changed since we last saw him...

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