Chapter Three: Kill Count Zero

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(Y/n) pulled his mask onto his face, adjusting it before tossing Shouto his haphazardly, "Come on, before we miss him."

"I don't see why you're so intent on messing with that guy," Shouto sighed as he put on his own cover-up, "he doesn't want us there, and we don't know what'll happen if he snaps."

"Yeah, yeah," (Y/n) brushed that aside, "but I think I know who Kraken is. I just want to be sure. We both know he rarely doesn't go out."

Shouto gave him a look, "You know who he is? How? It's definitely not Shiota or Akabane; Kraken's way too short to be Yamaguchi, too. We haven't met any other ghouls."

"You forgot about the guy who originally stopped us from meeting... uh... the blue-haired kid," (Y/n) pointed out.

"Shiota Nagisa," Shouto corrected, "so you think that guy's the weirdo ghoul?"

"Yeah, it didn't occur to me until now that I had seen him before, and I think the Kraken's hunting place is where," (Y/n) mentioned, "it was only a matter of time until someone recognized him."

"I guess, I mean, he doesn't wear a mask," Shouto sighed again as he opened the window. Might as well get this over with... I'm tired...

(Y/n) slipped out behind his cousin, immediately getting a move on. Shouto quietly shut the window at their backs, hoping that they wouldn't get caught. They moved swiftly through the night, the cool air chilling them through their clothes. (Y/n) went ahead, not even thinking while Shouto kept an eye out for hungry ghouls. This was the way it always was; Shouto was always the responsible one.

As the two of them kept on to the Kraken's main feeding place, they heard a distant scream. Both teens froze, knowing what had probably just gone down. The screaming became strangled, then stopped suddenly. Another stupid human bites the dust, (Y/n) thought to himself. The two continued after that, the fact that they listened to someone die leaving their minds almost immediately. 

It wasn't long before they made it to the sight, only to bombarded with the scent of old meat and blood. It made their nostrils flare; it made it easier to locate him. Shouto turned in the direction of the maskless ghoul, making his way in that direction. He hated this, he just wanted to go to bed already.

"What are you two doing out here?" the Kraken asked; they weren't even in his line of sight yet, "you two ate recently."

"We aren't here for food," (Y/n) sighed, "I just wanted to confirm that you are who I think you are."

"Do that and leave," the Kraken continued eating, ultimately not paying them too much mind, "you're disturbing my peace."

"Wow, cold," (Y/n) joked, "but in all seriousness, are you the guy who stepped between us and Shiota in class this morning?"

The Kraken stiffened, but only for a moment before responding, "That depends on which class and who you are."

"So it is you," Shouto clarified, "Ikaia, was it?"

"Itona, Itona Horibe," the ghoul corrected, "now leave, please, and let me eat in silence."

"Before we leave," Shouto paused and looked around cautiously, getting an uneasy feeling, "shit."

"Took you long enough to notice," Itona scoffed as (Y/n) made it obvious that he was confused, making the maskless ghoul sigh, "we're being watched."

"Well, crap," (Y/n) cursed, "we totally just ratted you out, huh?"

"My deepest apologies," Shouto said quickly, "we wished for nothing of the sort."

"It's fine, this ghoul already knows me..." Itona trailed off, "I think. Just leave me be, already."

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