Chapter Two: Icy Blue And Fiery Mercury

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Shouto took it upon himself to walk up to the male with piercing, icy blue eyes. The eyes stared lazily back at him, so cold that they burned. Shouto knew right there he was looking at another ghoul, but the person he was approaching had a perfect facade. (Y/n) walked with him, but stopped in his tracks when his eyes barely crossed acidic amber. It was quick, but before they could process what it meant for themselves, said person was standing in front of their desired target, beginning a conversation.

They know each other, shit. It was always more challenging to make means with ghouls who already had trusted allies. To truly trust someone in their world, you need to have worked with them for a while. They've been together for some time and they're obviously alive and well... The only problem with that was that this gave the easy mindset that they need not another ally, and therefore things quickly go sour. 

Shouto and (Y/n) were glad to have it pointed out to them before they made the mistake of approaching an unknown ghoul who wanted nothing to do with them. That said, this just meant they'd have to catch them later. They changed paths effortlessly to introduce themselves to the brunet ghoul with freckles. Said boy stood up and met them halfway, doing two things at once. One, surprising his friend who obviously didn't expect this extrovert-like behavior from him; two, using his obvious height advantage over them as a warning. Shouto was tall and (Y/n) was a bit above average, but this kid was taller than both of them. 

"Hey!" the freckled teen smiled softly, "I feel like I've seen you guys around; have we met?"

It was a classic greeting, a smart one too. That greeting was doing more than starting a conversation. They'd obviously never ran into this other kid, but the tall brunet was acknowledging them. He was telling them that he knew they were ghouls and that he himself was friendly. This ghoul didn't want any trouble.

"I think so..." (Y/n) pretended to wonder.

"Are you from around here?" Shouto questioned, making sure to hide all caution.

This was an extremely important thing to ask. Basically no one at this school was actually from the area, everyone came from places all around the country. All the people here knew that. Even some of the teacher lived out of the city. What he was actually asking, though, was if his territory was here or nearby. Most ghouls hunted close to home, but there were some who were extra careful when it came to getting caught.

"Ah, no," the tall brunet with star-like freckles smiled, "I'm from Miyagi..."

His answer was vague, but that was all the two other teens needed to hear. This answer was easily telling them that like them, he didn't have a territory. That was concerning, as this meant that they could run into him at night. 

"Oh, we're from the Shizuoka Prefecture," (Y/n) informed. That was vague, and the boy in front of them gave the two a knowing look. 

The blond who was sitting next to the freckled teen before got up an approached them. The two almost felt threatened before the boy in front of them gave them a warning look. The look went unnoticed by everyone except for all the ghouls in the room. The brunet flashed his eyes, which would have seemed over the top if Shouto and (Y/n) didn't immediately recognize the blond as human. Even the two ghouls not involved in the conversation got the message: Off limits.   

"Who're these guys, Yamaguchi?" the blond asked, looking down on them. He was even tall than the brunet.

"These two?" the brunet, now revealed to be called Yamaguchi smiled at his friend, "these two were at that 'Bring Your Kid to Work Day' my mother brought me to!"

They knew what he was doing, "Yeah, we were surprised to see each other again so soon," Shouto lied.

"I'm Okina (Y/n), and this is my cousin Todoroki Shouto," (Y/n) smiled, "it's nice to meet you."

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