The flight

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M- I'm glad we got to meet you Fei.

A- Yeah, it's great to know someone who I can practice my Chinese with.

F- Well, I could... come with you.

A- That would be so awesome!

M- But.. where would she stay?

...- Adrien, are you ready?

A- Actually, could Fei come with us?

...- Your father won't like this.

A- Please, she has nowhere else to go.

...- Right this way.

She sighed and led them into the plane, Marinette had been allowed to fly home with them. Once the door closed, the flight attendant went to the front of the plane, where Gabriel sat. 

...- Adrien insisted someone come home with him, Fei, she has nowhere else to go.

G- Why didn't you alert me?

...- Adrien insisted she go and we had to take off-

G- Where is she?

...- With Adrien and Marinette.

G- I will speak to her.

He arose from the seat, towering over the flight attendant, she led him to where they sat and the plane took off, Fei was telling them about the history of Kung fu. 

G- Are you Fei?

F- Uhm, yes sir.

G- Come with me, Denise, wait here.

He walked back to the front with Fei, just enough that they were out of ear shot.

A- Will she be alright?

...- Yes Adrien, I spoke to your father and he only wishes to speak with her.

A- I hope he isn't too harsh.

M- I'm sure he won't be, don't worry.

A- I'm glad to have you as a friend.

Those words stung, the flight attendant waited for Gabriel as he spoke to Fei. Marinette remained kind, doing her best to numb her pain from the "friends" comment.

G- How did you meet my son?

F- I met him at Marinette's uncle's restaurant.

G- Why are you coming with us?

F- I have nowhere to go here, so Adrien said I could stay in Paris.

G- And where will you stay?

F- I was hoping I .. I could stay with you.

G- I'll see what I can do.

He led her back to her seat and beckoned the flight attendant to follow him.

...- The fashion showed was a success, sir. The store in Shanghai is due to open by this time tomorrow, and we have 5 star ratings already.

G- Thank you.

She nodded and went to the front of the plane, then proceeded to get a few things ready, Gabriel decided to call Nathalie.

N- How did it go?

G- I've failed once again, Nathalie.

N- I'm sure you will achieve your dream, sir.

G- Please get one of the guest rooms ready, Adrien's friend Fei will be staying with us.

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