Knowing you

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Nathalie got to cooking, Adrien offered to help with a few skills he learnt from Mr. Dupain- Cheng, then Fei had a chance to talk with Duusu in her room, pretending to wash up for supper.

F- How long exactly have you tried, and how often has it failed?

D- Going on three years, me and Nooroo keep trying but nothing ever seems to work. 

F- We're going to change th-

Her phone buzzed, a news alert came in. Her and Duusu watched it, and smiled evily at each other. 

F- Well, we've finally got this part out of the way. 

D- What do you mean?

F- They kissed for real! This is going to drag in quite a crowd.

D- Yes, but as Hawkmoth. 

F- Still.



Her and Duusu quickly ran downstairs, leaving her phone on the bed. Everyone sat down and started eating, complimenting Adrien's progress. After supper, Adrien also offered to do the dishes, Fei swept the floor, and Gabriel dried them, giving Nathalie a break. The phone rang, and she ran to answer it.

N- Nathalie Sanceour, Agreste résidence how can I help you?

M- Hi Nathalie, it's Marinette, could I talk to Adrien please?

N- Of course, just a second.

She put the phone on hold, and ran to get Adrien.

N- Marinette's on the phone, I can take it from here.

A- Really? Thanks Nathalie!

He hugged her, and ran to the phone, she took over washing the last few dishes. Fei finished sweeping and went to get ready for bed, it was about 9, the day had gone by quickly.

N- So much has happened today, first we get chased down, find a whole ton if miraculous, then we get back from Honolulu and already there's a news story on Hawkmoth. 

G- Sleeping in an abandoned shed during a thunder storm. I can cross that off my bucket list.

N- What about becoming the little mermaid? That was pretty insane.

G- Well, there will be unexpected things in life.

N- Who are you now? A prophet?

She teased, there was a knock on the door, or a buzz from the gate.

G- Maybe.

They walked out of the kitchen and to Nathalie's desk, where they could see who it was.

N- Hello.

ND- Nadja Schamack, could we speak with Nathalie Sanceour, please?

N- This is her, what do you need?

ND- Could we have a short interview? 

N- Fine, tomorrow, 7am, sharp. 

She shut off the camera and sat down on her chair.

N- They should stop bothering us now.

G- You didn't have to-

N- Don't even start, I did this for you.

She interrupted, and stood up from the chair, her computer was fully shut down, and she wasn't allowed to work again until tomorrow. Sighing, she went upstairs to get her pyjamas on. She said goodnight to Fei and Adrien before heading back to her room, Duusu flew out of the broach.

D- What was that about miss Nathalie?

N- What?

D- You and Hawkmoth.

She stopped, looking over at the smirking blue bird, who smiled at her.

N- That was.. never mind that.  

D- Alright.

Nathalie took off the broach, hiding Duusu in it, she opened the door to her room, where Gabriel sat upon the bed, reading one of the books she'd had on her bookshelf.

N- You weren't joking?

G- I guess not.

He smirked, and she took off her glasses. Setting them on the bedside table and getting in the bed. He had one of the lamps on, casting dim yellow light over them, he took her in his arms.

N- Which one are you reading?

G- The first, I've never read these before. I know Adrien said his friend Ally or something got him to watch the series.

N- Pretty Little Liars?

G- Yes, what's the plot?

N- How far are you in?

G- Just past the preface.

N- Okay, well, the four main characters, Hannah, Spencer, Aria and Emily were in seventh grade when their friend Ali was murdered. Now they're suddenly getting note from someone labeled as A, and hinting they would spill every secret they have if they spill about the notes.

G- Huh, anything else?

N- Well, you'll have to keep reading them to find out. 

G- Have you seen the show?

N- A few episodes, we can watch it when your done reading. But the books are way better than the show.

G- What's with the cover? Why dolls?

N- I don't know, it's just a cover idea I suppose.

G- It's certainly not something I would normally read, but I don't seem to be interested in any others at the moment. So I thought I'd give a book you've read a try.

N- Go ahead, if you want, I could suggest a few more.

G- I'll read these ones first.

N- Right.

She rested her head on his chest, he read a few more chapters and ran his fingers through her raven blue hair. She nodded off a few times, but every so often she would wake up and hear a page turn, at around 10:45, he shut off the lamp and put a book mark in his book, setting his glasses on it. 

N- What part did you get to?

G- Aria just met Ezra.

N- Yeah, that part is one of my favourites, well, later on in the book. I'll tell you once you get there. 

G- So, are they like, 16?

They had a conversation on the book, before Gabriel kept asking questions, Nathalie had almost fallen asleep.

N- Goodnight Gabe.

G- Goodnight, Nath.

He blushed at the nickname, and held her close, falling asleep with the woman he had really loved all along.

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