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The first day of high school, Gabriel walked in the door and saw everyone there. There was a stunning girl in a blue tank top, chatting with a bunch of people, she seemed like the popular type, which wasn't his. He was walking along the halls, to his first class, when someone pulled on his backpack. 

E- Your the new kid right?

He turned around, there was the girl he'd seen before, she smiled, looking up at him, since he was taller than everyone he knew.

G- Gabriel Agreste.

He stuck out his hand, she smiled warmly and took it.

E- Emilie Graham de Vanily, where did you go to school before here?

G- I was home schooled.

E- Really? Well I'm glad I was able to speak with you. I'll be around if you need me.

G- Alright.

She turned and sashayed away, as I continued down the hall, I saw a girl who was slightly taller than average, but still had trouble reaching the shelf in her locker.

G- Here.

He walked behind her, slipping the binder down for her, she looked up at him, pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. Her aqua blue eyes shimmering.

G- Gabriel Agreste.

N- Nathalie Sanceour.

G- I'm new here.

N- Oh, I don't pay much attention to who or who doesn't go here. I'd be glad to show you around if you like, give you some advice.

She clutched the binder against her chest, smoothing out the skirt of his school uniform, she closed her locker, the lock locking automatically.

G- Yes, thank you. I need to find my locker. 

N- It's over her.

She walked a few lockers down and one of them was labeled G.A. That was him.

G- Thanks, Nathalie.

N- Thanks for helping me with my books.

G- Sure, I need to do something with my height.

N- I'll meet you here before lunch, what classes do you have this morning?

G- Biology, and math.

N- I have Bio and French, so we have our first class together this morning.

G- You'll have to show me where the classrooms are.

N- Of course, just follow me.

Nathalie awoke from her dream, it seemed so real, like she was back in that moment again. Happily leading Gabriel down the hallway to their first biology class, and warning him about Audre, and Emilie, how she was power hungry on the inside. 

G- Your emotions woke me up.

He stated, rubbing his eyes, keeping one arm around Nathalie.

N- Sorry, I was thinking of your first day of high school, how you helped me with the books, and I warned you about Audre.

G- I should've taken that warning more carefully.

N- I told you.

She smiled sadly, looking at the ceiling.

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