Season 2, Episode 2 ~ Pairing Off - Finding A Boyfriend

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Cory becomes aware that everyone is part of a couple except him.


"Richard and Cindy?" Cory questioned as we watched the two older year students practically eat their faces off. Shawn, Cory and I were in school as all of this was taking place making it...horrible and gross.

"Very deeply in love," Shawn said with a nod.

"Since when?" Cory asked, expecting them to have been together for at least a year from the performance they were giving the hall.

"Lunch," I said simply with a grossed out look.

"What did they eat?" Cory said, asking another question.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like it was enough," I said as Mr. Feeny walked over.

"Ah, Mr. Heckle, Mr. Jekyll and Miss. Reid," our headmaster said as he gave Cory and Shawn nicknames. "Don't we have classes to attend?"

"Mr. Feeny, shouldn't you break them up or hose them down or something?" Cory asked, pointing to Richard and Cindy.

"Oh, I wouldn't interrupt their tryst, Mr. Matthews," Feeny replied. "They're both A-minus students and happily struck by Cupid."

"So if they were C-minus students, you wouldn't let them kiss?" I asked the man in the charge.

"School policy, don't you know?" Feeny said making me shake my head.

"No. How are you letting Shawn get away with it then? He's a D-minus student," I said making Shawn hit me on the back of the head as I chuckled.

"So I can't kiss?" Cory asked making Feeny chuckle.

"With your grades, Mr. Matthews, you can't even shake hands," Feeny said making me laugh.

"Just watch, Mr. Feeny. By the end of the year, I plan to have an A-plus average and a hickey," Cory said making Feeny pat the boy on the back.

"Dare to dream, Mr. Matthews," he said before walking off.

"Holy Cow. Jerry and Shoshana?" Cory questioned as another pair made out.

"Deeply," Shawn said making me gag.

"Has the whole world paired off?" I questioned sadly.

"Pretty much," Shawn replied making my face slightly drop.

"Is there a list posted somewhere where I find out which girl's been assigned to me?" Cory asked making me nod.

"Yeah, and is there one for me about boys?" I questioned too.

"You both wanna be in a relationship?" Shawn asked making me nod while Cory shook his head.

"No, not a girlfriend," the boy said. "Just a girl who's like a friend, but not a girlfriend."

"How about her?" I said to a Cory as a girl passed us by. "How about the new girl?"

"No. I mean, I don't know her," Cory said making Shawn smirk and raise his eyebrows.

"Shut up!" Cory yelled making me laugh.

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