Chapter 6

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~3 months later~

Everything was moving so slow. Nothing interesting had happened. No news about Black, no drama with Malfoy, and Potter hadn't killed anyone yet. This whole year had been terribly boring.

The most interesting thing that happened was when Colin Creevey put a stink bomb in Elijah's pillowcase. He stunk for days, it was awful.

I went down to feed Orion his regular lunch, he was finally starting to fill out. I sat down by the bush that we always ate by, waiting.

He crept up to me, sticking his nose in my bag.

"Patience!" I laughed, I pulled out salmon wrapped in a napkin and gave it to him.

I took off my jacket and laid it down flat, allowing him to lay on it.

"You know, " I sighed, "I have to go home soon, then what are you going to do, hmm?"

I scratched behind his ears, "Perhaps Artemis will let you stay with us. She's my house-elf. I would let her go but Father would have a fit."

I heard arguing up on the hill. Sounded like Granger and Malfoy.

"Maybe Granger finally decided to off Malfoy. It took her long enough."

I sighed, standing up. "I've got to go visit Hagrid and say goodbye to Buckbeak."

I left my jacket with him, not really caring if I got it back.

"See you tonight for your dinner."

I ran down the hill, stopping right in front of Hagrid's hut.

I knocked on the door, I heard Hagrid heavily stomp to the door before he pulled it open.

"Hello, Hagrid." I greeted solemnly.

" 'Ello, Y/n." He sighed.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to Buckbeak if you don't mind." I rubbed my arm.

"Go righ' ahead, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." He gestured towards Buckbeak who was chained in the pumpkin patch.

I went up to him slowly, bowing deeply. He returned my bow and I went up to him, petting his beak.

"Looked what they did to you." I tsked, "You don't deserve this."

He rubbed against my hand.

"You poor creature." I felt tears welling in my eyes. I heard walking behind me. Granger, Potter, and Weasley came down the walkway.

Suddenly feeling unwelcome, I rubbed Buckbeak's head one more time before leaving. That poor creature doesn't know what's about to happen.

I got back to the top of the hill and sat down, pulling my legs up to my chest.

After what felt like an eternity, I saw a huge blade go high in the sky before falling back down. Birds flew into the air, fleeing from the gruesome scene.

I put my head down, letting my sobs escape silently. I felt my tears soak my bare knees. I sat there in silence before slowly picking myself up.

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