Chapter 45

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It was sort of a blur that night. A lot of yelling, mostly from me, and a lot of crying, mostly from Hermione. I fell asleep in Hermione's dorm, although it was hard to. A lot was running through my mind. What was going to happen to us? Or to Harry?

I also still hadn't solved any of my previous problems either. Everything was undetermined and it was driving me insane.

All I knew was that new words were currently being carved into my skin. I wiped my face on my sleeve. I wiped the blood off of my hand, writing my last sentence.

The clock chimed and I quickly stuffed my things into my bag, rushing out of the hall. I rubbed the back of my neck, cracking my knuckles.

Cho was standing on the stairs, watching people as they went past her. Traitor. Godric, that girl makes me seethe.

I walked past her, bumping her shoulder roughly. She stumbled back as I continued up the stairs.

Harry joined me, grabbing my hand as we made our way to the Gryffindor common room.

"We're screwed." I muttered.

He sighed, squeezing my hand.

I left Harry, joining Hermione in her room.

"I can't believe it," She seethed, "The audacity of that woman."

I sighed, laying on my back. I tossed a ball up and down as I listened to her rant.

"And to think that we're to blame for this whole situation. Dumbledore just leaves whilst his school is falling apart." She ranted, "It's just... It's bullshit."

I propped myself up on my elbows.

"Woah, Mione," I gasped, "We don't used that type of language."

She rolled her eyes at me, tossing a book at me.

I caught it, looking up at her in shock. "Wow, you really are mad."

"Oh, piss off." She chuckled.

I sat in silence, watching her fold clothes as she ranted once again. Then, there was three sharp knocks at the door.

My face went cold. I know that knock.

"No," I said quickly as Hermione got up, "I'll get it."

"Ok, sure?" She raised an eyebrow.

I scrambled off the bed towards the door. I pulled open the door, and standing there was Elijah. He was nervous.

I gulped before stepping out, closing the door behind me quickly. I turned back at him, waiting for him to say something.

Instead, he wrapped me up in a hug. I froze.

"I'm so fucking sorry," He mumbled, "I should've believed you, you're always right. I don't know why I thought I was proving a point. Harry was right and I wasn't and I'm stupid for not believing him."

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"I've missed you."

"I missed you too." He sighed, relieved.

I sniffled, wiping a tear away.

"Are you crying?" He muttered.

I nodded.

"Of course, you are." He chuckled.

"It's just been rough," I whispered, "And I needed you"

His breathing wavered.

"And I'm sorry that I've put off talking to you. I kept getting distracted with my own problems. And even when we were friends, I ignored you and didn't think about what you needed." I took a deep breath, "We have a lot to catch up on."

"Yeah." He laughed, breaking the hug, "Hogsmeade?"

"Always," I grinned. "I gotta get back inside but I'll see you there."

"2 o'clock." He nodded, "Don't be late."

I nodded, going back into Hermione's room.

"Who was that?" Hermione asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Remember Elijah?" She nodded, "He said sorry."

"That's great!" She beamed, "Now there's only one left."

I rolled my eyes, collapsing into her bed.

"I'm not making up with Hera." I scoffed, "Even if she apologised, I wouldn't accept it."

"Oh, come on." She groaned, "You guys were best friends. Are you really going to let one fight get in between you two?"

"All good things must come to an end," I shrugged, "Besides, I have new friends."

She smiled, shaking her head, "I'm just saying that it would be good to at least be on good terms, don't you think?"

I sighed, throwing my ball up in the air again. She sighed, looking back at her clothes.

"I tried."

She looked back up at me.

"I really wanted to make up," I admitted, "I tried for almost a year. I tried to talk to her in the halls and in class. I wrote her letters over the summer, I even tried at the beginning of this year. She didn't want to hear it."

"I'm sorry." She muttered.

"I mean, last year Hera and Elijah were my only friends. Of course I didn't want to lose her." I shrugged.

"It's ok," She shrugged, "You can't please everyone."

"I guess." I muttered.

I sat up, pushing myself off her bed.

"I've got to go, I'll see you tomorrow. Night."


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