Chapter 36

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I made it back to my dorm, eyes heavy and legs unwilling to move. Who knew that such a short walk with Hermione would be so draining?

She had pressed me for details the whole way back. I closed my eyes as the words spilled out of her mouth. I nodded as she asked questions, although I was not processing her words.

I had snapped at her. Well, yelled at her.

"Hermione, just shut up for one second!"

I sat down on my bed with my head in my hands, cringing inwardly as I relived the moment.

Godric, I'm a horrible person.

I forced myself into the bathroom. I untied my hair and fluffed it out. I closed my eyes and blew out a shaky breath. I got ready for bed and went straight into the covers. I want this day to be over as soon as possible.



I opened my eyes quickly, looking around. My eyes landed on Hermione. Her brown eyes were wide.

"Hermione? What? What is it?"

"We're going back to the order. Now."

"But I'm not packed."

She rolled her eyes and waved her wand, "Pack."

Clothes flew out of my dresser, folding neatly into my trunk.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Get decent and meet me downstairs." She flew out of the room and I could hear her heels click on the stone floor.

I tied up my hair and pulled a jumper over my head. I buttoned my pants and grabbed my necklace from my dresser. I fiddled with the clasp, my eyes still too blurry from sleep. I took my trunk and went downstairs.

Ginny, Hermione, and McGonnagal were waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"We need to go, Ms. Fawley."

The next three hours flew by before I knew what was happening. Harry had a dream about Mr. Weasley and we needed to go back to Grimauld Place. We met Mrs. Weasley in the Headmaster's office, she was crying.

I found myself sitting at the table in the kitchen, members were talking urgently around me but I was too tired to listen.

Mrs. Weasley eventually ushered us all to bed. I didn't even bother to change, going straight to bed.

Although I was tired, I was unable to sleep. I tossed and turned. I felt uneasy, sick to my stomach. I flipped onto my back and groaned, staring up at the cracks in the ceiling.

My eyes slowly fell closed as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I stretched my back and sat up, rubbing my face. I could hear everyone downstairs and the smell of pancakes wafted from under the door.

I got up to go downstairs, not caring that I was still wearing clothes from yesterday. As I put my hand on the doorknob, the door flew open.

A streak of red pushed past me as I stumbled back. Ginny laughed loudly as she slammed the door shut, leaning her back against it.

As I opened my mouth to speak, I heard the sound of stomping on the other side of the door.

"Shit!" She snickered, fiddling with the lock. "How do you lock this bloody door?"

I laughed, moving her out of the way. I turned the lock just as soon as someone started rattling it.

"Ginny?" It was Harry, he pounded his fist against the door as he rattled the door knob. "Ginny, open the door!"

"What is going on?" I whispered.

She breathed heavily, struggling to speak in between giggles. "Ron said... Harry fan..."

The door flew open and both Ron and Harry bursted into the room. Fred stood in the hallway, holding his wand with a smile on his face, impressed with himself.

Ron practically tackled Ginny, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Ginny, shut it." He hissed. I looked at the three of them, amused.

Ginny tried to pull his hand off of her face. "But..."

Ron pushed her out of the room and I laughed as Harry and I watched them.

"What was that?" I asked, looking at him. Harry looked at me, his face red but seemingly unimpressed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged, leaving the room.

I leaned against the doorframe, watching him go.

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