Chapter 66

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Dean and I had walked back up the hill and towards the west courtyard, which was my favorite place to spend my time. It's where Cedric and I studied, it led to the hill that Sirius and I sat by, and it was where Dean asked me to the ball.

I had slipped off my jacket and was now holding it in the crook of my arm. My other hand was entwined with Dean's. I got giddy all over again whenever he rubbed his thumb over top of my hand, my chest about ready to burst.

I tried to hide the voice cracks as we talked and he pretended not to notice them.

Now he was walking me back to the Ravenclaw common room so I could freshen up before dinner.

"You know, I really haven't thought about what I want to do after I graduate." He said, answering my earlier question. "Depending on what happens, I might even get a muggle job."

"Really?" I looked at him, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah, my mum homeschools during the summer." He said, "Says she wants me to keep up with my sisters."

I nodded, looking at the cracks in the cobblestone we were walking over.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me, swinging our arms back and forth slightly.

"I don't really know," I shrugged, "Maybe I'll work with magical creatures but I haven't really thought about it."

"That sounds about right for you." He said. He adjusted my hand in his, squeezing my hand slightly in a teasing manner.

I nodded with a smile. That gesture shut me up real quick, and I stayed quiet out of fear of saying something moronic.

He had finished walking me up the Ravenclaw tower and now we were standing outside of the door, looking at each other. I didn't really want to go in, and he didn't really want to leave.

I shoved my hands in my pockets. "You didn't have to walk me all the way up."

He shrugged, giving me a smile. "You'd probably get lost if I didn't."

I scoffed light heartedly, looking away for a second. I was suddenly nervous, scared to say something stupid.

"Well, thanks then." I said tensely, taking a deep breath.

He nodded with a crooked smile. He started to get closer to me and as he did, I had to tip my head up to keep eye contact with him. I opened my mouth but nothing came out and I resorted to biting my tongue.

It was hard to describe how I was feeling in that moment. You know the feeling of when you're reading a book and the two characters that were meant to be together finally kiss, and even though you're not there, you can't help but squeal and kick your feet? That's how I felt.

I had a bit of a stupid and giddy smile on my face.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head vigorously.

He bent his head down, putting a hand on the side of my face and cupping my jaw. He brushed his lips against mine but stayed still. As did I. We were both scared to be the one to initiate the kiss. He swiped his thumb over my cheek and that ignited a flame in my stomach, sending warm sparks up into my chest.

I boosted myself up on the tips of my toes, closing the space in between us. I put a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down farther so I could stand flat again.

He breathed in deeply, slowly and hesitantly creeping a hand onto my waist. I put my other hand on his arm, holding on a little bit tightly.

He still tasted slightly like butter beer and cinnamon from The Three Broomsticks.

I pulled away from him, smiling. He was still bent down, looking back at me.

"You're..." He started, his voice low. "Extremely red."

"Shut up." I dropped my hand from his arm, letting it go loose at my side. He still had a hand on my waist, although he had put the hand that was on my face in his pocket.

"Like actually vermillion." The taunting tone in his voice was back, all hints of romance gone.

"Piss off." I giggled, pulling away from him. He let go of me and stood to his full height again.

"I'm going to go back to my dorm and brag to Seamus about my day and I'll see you at dinner, yeah?"

"Yeah, alright." I nodded. He smiled and I caught him before he even was able to turn around. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pecked his lips.

"I'll see you at dinner."

He just gave me a grin, turning around and going back down the stairs of the tower. I watched him until I could no longer see his shadow extended on the brick wall. I then turned around and knocked the knocker.

The voice rang out:

"I am always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red"

I thought for a moment, the thoughts of what had just happened swirling in my mind and making it impossible to come up with an answer.

After stammering and almost coming up with an answer just to lose it all over again. I finally came up with a plausible answer.

"Fire?" I said hesitantly. The door swung open and I celebrated as I went inside.

My mind was replaying what had happened outside of the door over and over as I put on a fresh pair of clothes.

I straightened my necklace so that it fit square in the middle of my chest, and fixed my hair to my liking. I was still giddy from the day, the stupid smile not leaving my face.

Suddenly it all melted away as I got a disturbing thought. I froze in the mirror and my face twisted up into disgust as the thought refused to leave my mind.

Did I really giggle?

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