Chapter 42

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My heels clicked on the stone as I made my way up the stairs. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was surprised that I didn't pass out right there.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in." The high voice chirped.

I don't know how I'm going to get through this without punching her face in.

I opened the door and she gestured to the seat. I sat down to see the quill already waiting for me.

"I want you to write I respect my elders."

"How long?" I groaned.

"Until it sinks in."

"Ha ha, funny word play." I muttered.

I copied the sentence down over and over. As the carving in my hand got deeper, the ink turned a brighter red.

I wrote sentence after sentence, hoping that she would eventually stop me. Yet she didn't, she sat there, signing her papers and drinking her tea.

This is where the night blurred together. I don't know how long I was there. I do know that by the time I left there was a pool of blood where I had been sitting.

I crammed the last word onto the corner of the paper. My vision was blurred and my hand had gone numb. I looked up at her expectantly and she stared back, waiting for me to say something.

I stuff the parchment back into my bag and started to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" She stood up as I went to the door.

"I think you've had your fun, don't you?" I asked, tilting my head, swaying back and forth slightly.

She started to say something as I opened the door.

"Look out for a letter," I said, "I'm sure my father will be dying to talk to you."

I shut the door, making my way down the stairs. I was trying to make it back to the dorms but my head was spinning.

I bumped someone's shoulder, muttering an apology as I went past. Someone was calling my name but I was determined to get to bed, so I could sleep it off and forget about it in the morning.

They grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me back to look at them.



I hummed in reply.

"You're bleeding."

"Oh, yeah." I chuckled, "Detention with, uh,"I looked at the deep carving, "Umbridge."

"We should get you to the infirmary."

"What? No." I scoffed, "I'll be fine, just slap a bandaid over it and it'll heal."

"Yeah, no." He shook his head, "Let's go."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, trying to get me to go. I shook my head, turning around and patting his arm.

"Dean, love," I shook my head, "Sweet of you to try but I'm fine."

"Love?" He raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly .

"Let's just...go back to your common room," I shrugged.

"If that's what you really want to do." He said slowly.


He took me back to the common room. We sat on the couch as fixed my hand. I watched as he put gauze on my hand.

"Why aren't you at DA?" I asked.

"I had to...finish something." He looked up at me, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah?" I chuckled.

"And how did you get detention with Umbridge?"

"Might've hurt her feelings a bit."

He laughed, shaking his head.

He wrapped the bandages around my hand. I watched his face as he concentrated, taking in every detail of his face. The color of his eyes, the dip of his nose, the way his breath hitched when I leaned in. It was interesting, being close enough to notice these small details about him.

"Are you checking me out?" He looked up at me, one corner of his mouth turning up.

I laughed, slapping him. "Shut up."

He laughed harmoniously. I glanced over to the door, my eyes landing on Harry. He realized I was looking and quickly looked away, walking past us to his dorm.

"I think you're in trouble." Dean whispered to me.

"Yeah," I sighed, "That's been happening a lot."

He sighed, leaning against the couch.

"I should probably be going back to my dorm." I sighed, getting up. "I don't want to be caught after curfew."

"Sure," He nodded, "Be careful."

"I will." I smiled.

The portrait swung shut behind me, the fat lady already telling me off for not being in my own common room.

I shook my head, ignoring her.

I went down the stairs and turned the corner, bumping directly into Professor McGonagall.

"Oh, Ms. Fawley. Perfect," She said, ignoring the fact that I was out of bed, "The headmaster needs to have a talk with you in his office."


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