Chapter 5

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The air was getting warm once again and it was a beautiful spring afternoon. I hurried down the hill to our usual spot, holding a wrapped chicken sandwich.

I pulled off my jacket and bunched it up before laying my head against it.

"Orion," I sang, unwrapping the sandwich.

He immediately trotted out from a bush, panting happily as he took the sandwich. I scratched behind his ears as he licked his lips.

"Merlin, you at that fast." I chuckled. I sighed as he settled next to me.

I picked up a wilting peony flower from off the ground, peeling of the petals and placing them on his head.

"Peonies are my favorite, you know." I hummed, "They're just so dainty and gorgeous. They were my mum's favorite too. She used to keep them all over the house."

I stayed quiet for a while.

"It's been a while since I last saw her. Father says she was ill but I've had about ten different dreams of her dying. I've never told anyone but I have a feeling that you're good at keeping secrets," I chuckled, "You can be my secret keeper."

I patted his side.

"I miss my mum a lot," I let my smile leave, " I never got to know her and I only have a few memories of her and I know it would be too painful for my Father for me to bring it up. I know I always talk about how much I dislike him but I would truly be lost without my Father. I don't have any other family and he does care for me, whether he likes to admit it or not."

I didn't say anything after that. I just rested, closing my eyes and listening to the birds. I guess I eventually fell asleep because when I woke up, Orion was gone.

I yawned and stretched, gathering my stuff before making it back to the castle.

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