Chapter 30

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I followed her in to her office. It was bright pink with doilies on the walls and little plates with kittens on them. I sat down at the desk and waited for instructions.

"You will be writing 'I will not instigate fights'."

I sighed, leaning over to get my quills and parchment.

"No, need for that. I have a quill for you." She trilled.

I nodded slowly, taking the quill from her.

I paused before looking back at her.

"I haven't any ink."

"You won't be needing it." She smiled, sitting at her desk.

"How many times?"

"Let's say... until it sinks in." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes and began to write. I had written about five lines when my wrist began to itch. I rubbed it harshly and went back to writing.

A few moments later, a pang of pain shot up my arm and I flinched. I pulled back my sleeve, and there, in my own handwriting, the sentence was being etched into my skin.

I will not instigate fights.

There it was in scarlet red. I hissed in pain, rubbing my arm.

"Is there a problem?" She chirped, staring directly at my arm.

"No, Professor." I growled.

"Then, why have you stopped?"

I breathed in deeply and gritted my teeth.

The more I wrote, the deeper it got. The pain was unbearable but, somehow I felt I deserved it.

My arm was burning and yet, I continued to write. My handwriting got more and more messy as I struggled to keep my pen in my hand.

It had been at least an hour and a half since I had started and Umbridge was getting more and more joy from my pain.

Eventually, Umbridge cleared her throat.

I looked up, my vision blurring with tears.

"I feel that will suffice." She nodded, "You may go."

I grabbed my bag and quickly went out the door. I rushed down the hall, tears making it impossible to see where I was going. Blood leaked from the letters, running down my hand.

The sun had set now and I assumed almost everyone was at dinner.

When I turned a sharp corner, I ran right into someone's chest, slamming hard into them.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. It won't happen again." I rambled, trying to get around them. I pushed past them, just trying to get back to my dorm.

"Y/n?" They grabbed my hand, pulling me back. "What happened?"

I looked up, making eye contact with Harry. His eyes searched mine, trying to figure out what could be wrong.

I cleared my throat, dropping his hand as I lowered my head.

"Uh, I had detention with Umbridge and, uh..." I swallowed, cringing at how pathetic I sounded. I looked up at him and his face softened.

"I think Hermione has some bandages that you could use." He suggested, stuttering slightly, "And you should probably eat something as well."

I nodded, following him back to the great hall. I sat down next to Hermione, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"What happened?" She asked, putting her arm around my shoulders. I flipped my wrist over and showed it to her.

"Oh, Godric!" She gasped, turning to grab bandages out of her bag.

"Blimey, mate!" Ron exclaimed, looking at my wrist. "What happened?"

"Take a guess." Harry said, gesturing towards the head table where Umbridge was happily eating her soup.

"She's torturing you, Y/n!" Hermione tsked.

"It was a one time thing," I argued, "It's fine."

"If your Father knew about this-" She started.

"If my Father knew about this," I said sternly, "He would take me out of school. And, I do not want that."

"How did you get detention, anyway?" Ron asked, stuffing a piece of chicken into his mouth.

"I got into a fight with Hera." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"What did she do this time?" Hermione sighed.

"No, no." I said quickly, "It wasn't her fault, I said something I shouldn't have."

"Well, I'm sure it couldn't be that bad." She scoffed.

"I'd be to differ."

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