Chapter 46

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I bounded down the hill into town, shoving my hands into my pockets as the wind grew brisk. I pulled open the door to the three broomsticks.

Huddled in the corner of the pub, at our favourite booth, was Elijah drinking his butter beer.

I smiled at him, sliding into the booth across from him.

"You're late." He chuckled.

"Sh, I know." I shook my head.

He pushed a thing of pumpkin juice to my side of the table.

"You look like you need it." He chuckled as I took off my hat, smoothing down my hair.

I took it, taking a huge gulp.

"So," He started, putting his hands on the table. "You said you had something important to tell me?"

I nodded, wiping my face on my sleeve. I leaned in closer to him.

"What if I told you that I'm going to live with the Malfoy's."

"No." He gasped dramatically, leaning back. His face then contorted into a look of disgust. "Why?"

"Well, you know how my Dad died? Well, my Mum was a Rosier. So, I guess Narcissa Malfoy was her niece." I shrugged.

"That's..." He blinked, "Great."

I kicked him under the table as he snickered, "Oh, shut it."

I propped my head on my hand. "So, do you finally have something interesting going on?"

"Nah," He shrugged, "Mostly dealing with Hera."

I laughed sharply, "I didn't know you still talk to her."

"I barely do." He scoffed.

"She just.." He stammered, intertwining his fingers. "Clings."

"Yeah," I chuckled, "Are her and Malfoy still a thing?"

"Malfoy?" He raised an eyebrow before shaking his head, "They were never a thing."

"That lying bitch." I laughed, shaking my head.

"What about you and Potter?" He asked, "Last I heard, you two were together."

"People thought we were together?" My heart fluttered. Definitely for an unrelated reason.

He nodded.

"No," I shook my head, "We were never together, it's a bit complicated right now?"

"You make everything complicated." He chuckled.

"No, I don't."

He stared at me.

"How?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You say it's complicated, right?" He paused, "I'm guessing you rejected him because you didn't want to mess things up."

I nodded slowly.

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