Chapter 8

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I looked over at Ron, who shrugged.

I heard the door open and Hermione and Harry walked in.

"How did you get there?" Ron squealed. "I was talking to you there. And now you're there."

I looked between them.

"What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione scoffed.

"l don't know." He shrugged, "Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once?"


~The next day~

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand, picking at my lunch. Hera and Elijah talked loudly on both sides of me. I yawned, trying not to doze off.

I was starving but the pain from my face ruined my appetite. I closed my eyes lightly, trying to stop my headache.

I felt someone staring at me. I looked up to see Hermione, Harry, and Ron sitting at another table, watching me. When Hermione realized I saw them, she smiled before nudging the two.

They quickly looked away, acting as if they weren't looking at all. I finished the bit of food I had and started to get up.

"Hey, I think I'm going to go back to the common room." I sighed, "I'm not feeling the greatest."

"Oh, ok." Hera smiled.

Elijah nodded, already going back to the conversation.

I walked out of the great hall, leaning against the wall. I pressed my hands against the cool stone, immediately feeling better.

I felt someone lean against the wall next to me. I looked over, expecting either Hera or Elijah. To my surprise, it was Harry.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice full of concern. "You rushed out pretty quickly."

"Oh, yes." I smiled weakly, "Just had to get away from the noise, you know?"

He nodded.

"What did Madam Pomfrey say?" He motioned to my face.

I looked down, "She said that since it's from a werewolf, it's permanent."

"I'm so sorry." He rubbed his arm nervously.

I shook my head, "It's not your fault."

"I'm not that worried about it." I shrugged, kind of telling the truth. "I'm sure when I get the bandage off the scar will look wicked."

He smiled softly.

"Harry." Ron called from the end of the hallway, nodding his head to leave.

"Sorry," he said quickly, "I've got to go."

"Uh, yeah, I'll see you later."  I rubbed the back of my neck.

He turned around to leave, occasionally looking back as he walked to Ron. I waited until they turned the corner before turning around.

I couldn't help but let a smile creep onto my face.


I shut the door quietly, trying not to disturb anyone who might be studying in the common room. I look up to see a large parcel on my bed.

I sat down on my bed, pulling it onto my lap. I pulled open the wrapping to see a quidditch broom. Not just a broom, but a fire bolt.

I looked around in the trash, looking for a name. Nothing.

I stared at it in awe. I never imagined that I'd see one, much less own one. This was amazing.

I heard my roommates coming up the stairs so I quickly jumped, stuffing the trash and broom under the bed.


I pulled my trunk up, putting it in the compartment above my seat. I sat down, stretching out across the seat, very thankful to have the room to myself.

I got on the train earlier than others so that I could get my favorite car. Elijah was with his Gryffindor friends at the front of the train and Hera had gone home a few days early so I finally had some peace.

I relished in the comforting room before having to go  home. Hopefully this summer I won't forget to send my letters to Elijah and Hera, that way I'll have someone to talk to.

I watched as people shuffled through the corridor, laughing and running to catch up with their friends. I saw Ron run past, Hermione running after him before seeing Harry walk behind them.

I waved as he walked past and he waved back, smiling softly.

I sat back, closing my eyes as I felt the train star to move.

I guess Potter and his friends weren't as annoying as I thought.

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