Chapter 52

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"I'm bloody pissed with you." Ron stormed in the compartment, Hermione hot on his tail.

I picked my head off the wall, watching them huff as they sat down in sync.

"Me?" I pointed to myself.

"No," Ron scoffed, "The window."

He sat with his arms crossed, stiff next to Hermione, who seemed to be a steaming mess.

"Yes, we're mad at you." Hermione said as if it were obvious why. I knew she was exaggerating, though. If she was truly mad, she wouldn't caught dead in the same vicinity as me, and Ron would not be talking at all.

"What did I do now?" I looked between the two of them.

"I hate to cut you off, Harry." Ron mocked in an overly posh high pitched voice. He did a little squirm in his seat and pretended to flip his hair.

"Is that supposed to be me?" I raised my eyebrows, leaning back in my seat.

"I though it was a very accurate representation." Hermione shrugged.

I scoffed, looking away from her.

"Y/n, I know you like him." Hermione said, leaning her elbows on her knees and looking at me. "Godric,  you're basically in love, I've gathered."

I really didn't want to have this conversation with them at the moment. I rolled my eyes, sighing and looking away from them.

"And, from what I've heard, Harry has taken a strong liking to you too." Ron added, crossing his arms. "So, what's your problem?"

"Godric, 'Mione." I groaned, "I've got too much on my mind to be thinking about boys."

I picked my feet up, putting them on the seat and hugging my knees. She sighed, leaning back in her seat. Ron looked at her, annoyed with me.

"Come on, it's been two days and you've yet to say a thing." She crossed her legs.

"Maybe I just want to keep the mystery." I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. They watched me. "Ok, I like him a lot."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I know."

"But," I said slowly, "We haven't really had time to chat."

"Merlin," She said, "Even when dating you two are playing hard to get."

I gave her a warning look. "We're not dating."

She smiled, groaning playfully.

"You basically are." Ron muttered.

"I'm just worried is all." I said, looking out the window and watching people board the train. "Like about what it is going to be like this summer, you know?"

Hermione nodded.

"And I don't want to be roped into anything," I continued, "And what if it's not safe to talk to you all even when school starts."

"I'm sure Dumbledore has it under control," Ron said, trying to be hopeful. I leaned my head back against the wall. "He wouldn't let you be in harms way. When you're at Hogwarts, you'll be safe."

"Right." I muttered, "I wouldn't bet on that."

A beat passed before I heard Hermione breathe in again to speak.

"What are we talking about in here?" Harry asked from the doorway. I picked my head up, smiling at him. 

"Nothing important." I shrugged, moving over so he had room to sit next to me. He graciously took the spot, stretching out.

I curled up a little tighter on the seat, looking away from him and towards the floor. I pressed my lips into a thin line to keep from smiling.

"Y/n," Hermione started, "Do you wanna tell Harry what you told me?"

I cleared my throat. "Mhm."

I still stared off, not having processed what she asked me. They all waited in anticipation. Harry stared.

I looked up at their waiting faces. "What?"

"Tell him about...?" She drawled, waiting for me to catch up.

"Oh," I nodded. She waited, hiding a smile. I shook my head, "No."

Ron and Hermione both groaned in annoyance. Poor Harry was still more lost than I was.

He cleared his throat, adjusting himself in the seat to face towards me.

"So I wanted to talk about this summer."

My stomach was once again filled with dread.

"Please," I groaned, "I'd rather talk about anything else."

"Y/n," Hermione started, "There really are some important matters to discuss."

I shook my head, "It's nothing you all have to worry about. Besides, thinking about makes me feel sick, and I want to be able to enjoy this time, alright?"

Hermione hesitated before nodding, "Alright."

I gave her a smile, leaning my head against the wall as the train started moving.

After we chatted and laughed for hours, the others started to get quiet, and soon both Ron and Hermione were asleep.

I slowly let my eyes close, the moving of the train being soothing. I heard shuffling next to me, and then weight on my arm.

I looked beside me, it was Harry leaning his back against me. I pulled my arm out from under him, and before he could react, wrapped it around his shoulders and pulled him closer.

He settled back down again, stretching his legs out on the seat. I closed my eyes, settling against him.

My arm grew heavy on his chest as I fell asleep.

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