Chapter 15

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Our family owl, Harvey, dove into the Great Hall with a large package. He dropped the parcel in front of me and sat next to my plate, plucking potatoes off of it.

I opened the note, obviously written by Artemis.

In light of a special event coming as up, your Father requested that I send you one of your mother's dresses. Have fun!


I unwrapped the package and pulled out a frilly pink dress.

"Wow, that's quite... something." Fleur gasped.

"I guess Mum was going through a phase." I shrugged, wrapping the dress back up.

"What's the event?" Elijah asked, looking at the note.

"No idea." I shrugged, stroking Harvey's feathers.


"The yule ball has been a part of the tri-wizard tournament since the beginning." Flitwick's voice rung throughout the hall.  "On Christmas eve night we all will gather in the Great Hall and have a dance."

Whispers erupted through the hall, some people groaning as well.

"As you will be representing our fine school, I suggest you practice your best manners." He paced back and forth, tapping his wand on his hand. "When you dance, you let go of your worries and you let your soul free."

I never knew Flitwick felt this strongly about dancing.

"Now, I'm going to pair each of you up." He said as he pointed at different students with his wand. He pointed at me and then Aloys Girard.

Once everyone was paired up, we stood in two lines, ready to start dancing.

"Gentlemen, put your right hand on her waist." I looked down awkwardly as he put his hand on my hip.

"Alright," He waved his wand in the air. "One, two, three. One, two, three."

We started in a small circle, following what the others were doing.

At least I'm not the other one who is humiliated. Everyone around me was like dead meat, waltzing just to get it over with.

I cringed as Aloys stepped on my feet, not even bothering to apologise.

Kill me now.


I sat in the sill, reading a potions book. I wrapped my scarf around myself tightly, not letting any warmth escape.

People bustled down the corridors in small packs, the air fill with awkwardness and anxiety. Who decided to let a bunch of hormonal teenagers have a ball anyway?

I watched as Harry and Ron walked up to a group of girls, just for the girls to turn their backs on them.

The started to approach me and when I smiled at them, they suddenly retreated, deciding against what they were planning to do.

I watched, contented, as Hagrid and Madam Maxine walked past, whispering like a bunch of school girls.

The small courtyard started to clear out as it got windier. I sat, wrapped up in my book and not wanting to leave the warmth.

As I flipped a page, I saw a shadow hover over me.

I looked up to see Dean Thomas watching me patiently. My heart jumped.

If you recall, I have a bit of a crush.

"Oh, hello." I smiled, closing my book.

"Hey," He smiled back nervously. "I just wanted to ask if you would maybe want to go to the ball with me?"

"Of course," I nodded, "That would be wonderful."

His smile grew and he nodded.

"Great, it's a date." He paused, "Or- or not a date?"

"It's a date," I laughed softly.

He smiled before going back to his friends. I picked my book back up and flipped to my page, trying to hide the small smile that was creeping on my face.


I leaned against the wall of an empty hallway, flipping through my charms book. I needed to figure out on last charm before I could go dress shopping with Fleur.

I heard empty steps echo through the hallway before feeling someone lean against the wall next to me.

I looked up to see Harry.

"Hey, Harry." I let my hands fall to my side, positioning myself to face him.

"Hey, urm, I just was wondering if you'd like to go to the ball with... me?" He said anxiously.

I gave him a sympathetic smile, "I really would but Dean Thomas already asked me."

"Ok, uh, no problem." He stood up straight, pushing himself off the wall.

"Sorry." I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"No worries." He shrugged, turning to leave.

"Next time though." I called as he turned the corner. No reply.

I feel against the wall and sighed, blowing hair out of my face. All this stuff is complicated.

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