Chapter 62

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Dean and I rushed to the dungeon for potions. I was actually looking forward to the class, I had always felt I would enjoy the class with a different teacher.

Of course, I still got an outstanding on my OWL.

"I just can't get what Dumbledore said out of my head." I said breathily as we walked. "'Their greatest weapon is you.'"

"It was definitely unsettling." Dean nodded, "But I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't say it to scare us."

"I don't know," I shrugged. "My father always said the fear was the best tactic for control."

He didn't say anything.

"And look," I said, holding out my hands. "My hands have been shaking since last night."

He scoffed lightheartedly, "Your hands always shake, I think you just have a tremor."

I sighed, patting his arm. "I don't know what that means."

He laughed and we walked in silence for a little longer as the air started to get colder as we went further down.

"Hey," I started up again, "Do you know if there any dark arts spells that have any appearance side effects?"

He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. I could decipher the look.

"Why do you ask?"He moved ahead of me. He turned around to look at me, walking backwards.

"I know you have a thing for charms." I shrugged, putting my hands in my pockets. "So I was just thinking, are there any spells that if done wrong can make your hair lighten?"

He shook his head, "Not that I know of, unless the goal was to change something about your appearance. and there's definitely no dark spells either that have that side effect. Why?"

I shrugged, pursing my lips. "It's just... Hera came back with a blonde haircut. How can your hair colour completely change over one summer?"

Dean looked at me with a blank face before he started to laugh. It wasn't malicious, just entertained and the sound bounced off the ceiling.

"Y/n, she probably just bleached it."

I stared at him, not getting what was so funny.

"...What? Is that like a spell?" My eyes shifted away before looking back at him. Something was burning in my chest and I felt embarrassed, although a small smile tugged on my lips because of how entertained he was.

"Dude, bleach," He said, his laughter calming down. "It's this paste stuff you can put on your hair that makes your hair lighter. It's a muggle invention, a chemical."

I nodded, starting to walk forward. "Ah."

"You know what a chemical is, right?" He asked, following after me.

"Dean, I know absolutely nothing when it comes to the muggle world." I scoffed.

"What about Muggle Studies?" He put his hands in his pockets.

"My Dad has opted me out since 1st year." I said.

"How did I not know that?" We got back into our normal pace, although a bit more hurried now that we were running late.

"It never came up, I guess." I shrugged.

"You know," He said, "I should take you to London, and Birmingham, and maybe we can even go to Paris."

I smiled, "That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to see the muggle world. I've only ever been to a post office."

"A post office?" Dean looked down at me with a chuckle.

"Yeah," I nodded, "In Brampton, it's the town closest to my house."

"You're from Brampton?" He asked, surprised.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You're surprised?"

"I wouldn't have guessed from your accent." He said.

"It's because I'm from France." I said, "We moved to Brampton when I was 6 because my parents wanted me to go to Hogwarts."

"That makes a lot more sense." He chuckled, "Did you learn English once you moved?"

"You think I'd switch accents that quickly," I scoffed, "No, I actually learned English first."

He nodded along as I explained.

"Father was very insistent that I spoke English first but French was my mum's first language so it was pretty important that I knew both. But to be honest I don't even remember living in France."

"I don't think I've ever heard you speak French."

"Well, just wait until I'm angry," I said, smiling. "Then you'll really hear it."

"Good to know." He smiled, nodding.

He opened the door to the classroom for me. I laughed slightly as we went in. As I entered, I saw Hermione getting her book. She immediately whipped her head off as she heard my laugh, raising an eyebrow when she realised who I came in with.

"I'll be right back." I said to him. He nodded, splitting off to meet Seamus.

"Y/n," She said in a scolding tone as I got my book.

"Yeah?" I asked.



"Good to know."

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