Chapter 47

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I slammed the door to my dorm shut, huffing. I ran my hand through my hair, sitting down at my desk. I pulled out parchment, a quill, and ink.

'Dear, Sirius...'

I scribbled out his name. I sighed, putting down the quill. What would I even say?

'All my friends hate our family and never want to be seen with me again.'

I stared at the page, my head empty. I rolled the chain of my necklace in between my thumb and finger.

Dear, Padfoot. I need help. I don't know what to do. I can't live with the Malfoy's. It's unbearable. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are angry with me for not telling them but I knew they would overreact.  They think I'm betraying them simply because I am forced to live with them. They do not trust me.

Also, Dumbledore left a while ago. I hope he's safe. I hope he's still trying to help us. Things at Hogwarts are not good right now. He needs to come back and save us from that hag.

I am going to try to get on good terms with my friends again and we will continue to stay on alert.

Stay safe, Padfoot.
~Y/i Fawley~

I stared at the letter, reading it over a few times before folding it up and putting it in my desk drawer. I let my hair down, laying down on my bed. I fiddled with my necklace, clasping the cold gem in my hand.

Damn, this shit is hard. It honestly shocks me how things can go from being so amazing to horrible in just a few hours.

I sighed heavily, letting all the air out of my lungs. I was grateful more now than ever that my roommates were not here, that way I could be an emotional mess in peace.

I stared at the ceiling, watching the magical stars blink in the fake moonlight. My eyes started to get heavy and I had to blink to keep them open. I let them close, squirming in my bed to get comfortable.

As soon as I got comfortable, exhaustion washed over me and I was out like a light.

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