Chapter 19

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The soft music started and the champions twirled their dates around the dance floor. Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall joined them, as did a few other couples.

Dean tapped my arm, motioning to the dance floor. I smiled, pulling him along. I chuckled as we got into position and started waltzing.

He twirled me around and I tried not to lose my balance, smiling broadly. My skirt whirled around my feet and pieces of my hair were already falling into my face. I tucked them back, trying not to stumble over my feet. Dancing was really a struggle.


I jumped up and down to The Weird Sisters' most popular song.

'Oh! Can you dance like a hippogriff?
Na na na ma ma ny na na ny na'

Everyone was on the dance floor except for a few stragglers. I danced with Dean, twirling in a circle. I laughed, my face getting hot.

"I'll go get us some drinks." Dean said over the music.

"Ok, I'll be over here." I motioned to the tables.

I split off from him. I slowly made my way over to Hermione.

"So, Viktor Krum, eh?" I asked Hermione. She whirled around.

"Oh, yeah." She rubbed her arm.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I stepped closer to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It's just," She sighed, "Ron keeps saying that Viktor is just using me."

"Using you?" I scoffed, "For what?"

"I don't know," She shrugged, "I- I guess to get information on Harry, or just- I don't know."

"That's completely mental!" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Viktor's so polite and you're an amazing person. Ron's just jealous that he didn't have the nerve to ask you first and you should let him know that he missed the chance."

She nodded.

"And if he's really making you feel upset then you should let him know, if he's really you're friend he'll understand." I sighed.

"Yeah, you're right." She nodded. She started to walk off.

"Let me know how it goes!" I called as she walked away.

"What did you do?" Elijah asked, making me jump.

"Oh, hey." I smiled. "You look nice."

He was wearing a white dress shirt and red velvet dress robes with a matching bow tie.

"As do you." He nodded, "What did you do?"

"Oh," I waved him off, "Ron Weasley was giving her trouble so I was giving her advice."

"And what advice would that be?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Just that he's jealous that he didn't get the chance to asked her and that if he was really her friend he would speak to her." I sighed, "How's Hera?"

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