Chapter 34

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I let my back slide down the wall until I was sitting on the ground.

He couldn't have killed Cedric. We all saw him at the tournament, he was absolutely devastated. You couldn't make something like that up.

I ran a hand through my hair, rolling the chain of my necklace between my fingers. I was sure of it, Harry would never kill someone, Elijah was just trying to get under my skin.

Someone sat next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked to my left to see Harry with his back against the wall.

"Oh, hey." I sighed, shifting my body towards him.

"Are you alright?" His eyes full of concern, "You ran out of there pretty fast."

"Oh, sorry, it's nothing." I shook my head, "It's stupid."

"It's not stupid if it's making you upset."

"Wow." I let a smile creep onto my face, "That's really deep."

I took the chance to change the subject.

"Oh, piss off." He chuckled, nudging me with his arm. "I thought it was very insightful."

"It was brilliant." I patted his shoulder. "I don't know where you get that wonderful advice. Probably, Hermione."

"Ha ha." He rolled his eyes, a grin creeping onto his face.

He stood up, offering me his hand. "We should be getting back, yeah?"

I took his hand, standing up. As she he pulled me up, his thumb brushed over the scar.

I felt my face heat up and my ears were burning. I slipped my hand out of his, trying to collect myself so I didn't stutter.

"We should get back to the common room." I looked away, hoping that he didn't see my face go red.

He nodded and I followed him up the stairs, waiting as he said the password. He didn't look at me as he went over to Ron.

He definitely noticed something.

"Godric, Hermione." I groaned, quiet enough that Harry didn't hear me. "I totally just embarrassed myself."

"What did you do?" She put her legs on my lap, shifting to get comfortable.

"Ugh, we were talking and he stood up and offered me his hand and when I took it, he did the thing." I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb across the back of it.

"No!" She pretended to gasp.

"It was awful, I totally bugged out!"

"Well, at least we know he likes you." She smiled.

"You think so?" My stomach did a flip at her words. "I mean, he's the boy who lived. He could be with anyone that he wanted."

"Trust me," She chuckled, "I'm his best friend, I would know."

"If you say so." I smiled.

"You should tell him." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yeah, right." I scoffed.

"I'm serious," She laughed, "He'd be thrilled. He's lucky that you like him."

"Well, maybe I will tell him, then."

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