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"jinnie, why are you so jumpy today?" felix asked as he looked at his best friend, who was bouncing his leg constantly and checking the clock repeatedly as they sat in their last lesson of the day. he had been like that all day, but felix didn't think much of it at first.

"oh, i'm just excited." hyunjin answered, checking the clock again.


"uh- my mum bought cute outfits for kkami and i want to see them." hyunjin lied. as chan said, it was a surprise.

"oh, okay. send me photos of them after you see them!"

hyunjin nodded at his smiling best friend.

felix and hyunjin made their way through the busy hallway at the end of the day, trying to leave the building before the crowds got any worse.

as soon as they got outside, however, there was an even bigger crowd surrounding something, or rather, someone.

"what's happening?" felix wondered, hyunjin smiling slightly as he knew.

"why don't you go check it out?"

felix nodded and started walking towards  the crowd and with a lot of 'excuse me's and apologising, he got to the front.

"he's so hot, oh my god."

"who is that?"

"is he single?"

"woah, dude."

the cause of the crowd was an attractive black haired male, that looked a little older than the students, wearing an all black outfit with chains, leaning against the side of a very expensive looking car. he looked like he was waiting for someone, and felix's eyes widened as he recognised him instantly.

"channie hyung!"

the male turned his head in the direction of the voice and smiled while holding his arms out towards the smaller boy that was running towards him. he engulfed the younger in a hug as soon as he reached him, still smiling as the younger hugged him back tightly.

"hey lix."

"what are you doing here? how do know what school i go to?"

"hyunjin. i asked and he told me."

the two pulled away from the hug after hearing a lot of coos coming from the crowd around them, felix noticing that some people were taking photos. he immediately became flustered and turned back around, burying his face into chan's chest, who just chuckled and smiled, then wrapped one arm around the younger and used the other to make a peace sign for some of the photos.

"okay, let's go now."

felix looked up as the elder moved away to open the passenger side door for him, causing him to smile and blush again.

"he's such a gentleman too!"

"thanks hyungie." he thanked as he slid into the seat and the elder closed the door for him, before walking over to the driver's side and getting into the car himself. felix hadn't stopped smiling the whole time.

"you're happy, huh?" chan chuckled as he noticed the younger's non stop smiling.

"you came to pick me up! and i get to see you again!"

felix was acting like a teenage girl that had just been noticed by her crush, and chan had to admit that it was very cute.

"well, i was planning on taking you out for ice cream or go to the park or something too."

"ice cream!" felix squealed, clapping his tiny hands, causing chan to chuckle again.


"what flavour do you want, lixie?" chan asked as they walked up to the counter in an ice cream shop.

"hmm... strawberry!"

"hi, what can i get for you guys?"

"one strawberry and one chocolate please."  chan ordered.

"okay, coming right up."

they got their ice creams then decided to go for a walk in the nearby park, and take the route under the apple blossom trees. their hands constantly brushed against each other and just as felix was about to do something, chan moved his hand first and took the younger's tiny hand in his big one. felix felt heat rush to his cheeks and he looked up at the elder, who looked back down at him and winked, causing felix to get flustered and look away as chan broke out in a chuckle.

the two finished their ice creams and continued walking. chan glanced down at the younger again.


"hm?" felix looked up the elder, who was already looking at him.

"you have ice cream on your bottom lip."

"o-oh, wait-" felix went to wipe it off with his free hand, but chan pulled him to stand in front of him and held his waist as he gazed down at him. felix gasped softly and looked up at chan with wide, innocent eyes.

"i'll clean it for you." chan said, before leaning down and capturing the younger's lips in his own.

felix stayed shocked for a second, but quickly kissed back, enjoying the soft kiss they were sharing, the taste of chocolate strawberries invading both of their mouths.

eventually, chan pulled back and smiled at the younger boy who was trying to catch his breath.

"all gone." he said, causing felix to giggle.

"channie hyung..." felix looked down at his feet shyly.


"i-i... i really like you." he said quietly. chan smiled even wider, but decided to tease the younger.

"what? i couldn't hear you."

"i said i really l-like you." felix said a bit louder, but chan being the tease he is, carried on.

"still can't hear you, lix."

felix looked up and hit the older's chest lightly.

"i said, i like you! l-like, like like you, in a more than friend way!" felix saw chan smiling and realised he'd heard the whole thing- he'd just been teasing him.

"y-you're so mean, hyungie!" chan chuckled again as felix pouted and looked away, causing chan to stop. he then held felix's chin in between his thumb and index finger, turned his head to look up at him and kissed him again, surprising felix yet again.

after pulling away he raised an eyebrow at the younger. "i told you to stop pouting, baby."

"well if it means you'll kiss me then i'll do it as much as i want!"

chan leaned forwards and pecked felix's forehead, nose, cheeks and then his lips again.

"and i'll happily kiss you too. i like you too, by the way."

"n- wait, what?" felix's eyes widened and chan just laughed.

"i said i like you too, baby. will you be my boyfriend?"

"yes, yes, yes!" felix squealed and jumped onto his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, chan catching the koala hugging him.

"let's go back to my place, yeah? we can cuddle and watch movies." chan offered. felix lifted his head to nod before pecking chan's cheek and hiding his face in the crook of the elder's neck again.

"cutie." chan mumbled as he carried his new boyfriend out of the park.


bet you all love me now

btw this is NOT the end :)

𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✦ chanlixWhere stories live. Discover now