chanlix special chapter

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it was early january, christmas was over and everyone was preparing to either return to school or work. they wished farewell to family members they visited or to the ones that visited them and braced themselves for what was ahead.

for jyp entertainment, the building was rather empty for the holidays due to the fact it was the holidays and everyone was on break, but now the new term had started all the trainees and idols were back to training and working, learning and practising. for chan, he found this stressful. of course, he'd been an idol for years- he, changbin and jisung had been idols for the longest, since 2017, but he still had preferred environments.

he liked to work in quiet environments so when the holidays finished and all the trainees had returned, the sudden change in work environments was getting to his head slightly. he needed to continue working on their next comeback and make sure it was to the rest of the members and jyp's liking.

not only that, but seungmin had decided to take a college photography course on the side of being an idol and was starting his second year. balancing that with time for practises and recording sessions was difficult, along with trying to find time to spend with their partners. stress was getting to his head and he wasn't taking it well.

"hyung, you're overworking yourself!" jisung spoke, standing by the doorway of the dance studio as he watched the elder practise alone and overtime for the fourth time this week.

"no, im not." chan muttered, rehearsing the same piece of choreography again to perfect it.

"you are! you need a break, your health matters!" the younger reasoned. he had noticed the way chan had been acting occasionally when he got too stressed and also noticed how he skipped meals sometimes so he could go and practise. every time his small boyfriend would argue against it, saying it was important to eat, all chan did was reassure him he would eat afterwards. he never did though, and jisung noticed.

"i'm fine." chan continued, paying basically no attention to jisung, only answering half mindedly.

"hyung, you haven't been eating properly, you've been spending so much time in here that we're scared you're going to pass out at some point. you work over hours in the studio when producing songs, which you dont need to because me and bin are producing too and we have plenty of time, and the amount of sleep you get has lessened loads recently. we're worried for you!" jisung exclaimed.

"there's no need to be, i said i'm fine." chan replied, raising his voice as he walked over to get a water bottle.

"but hyung-"

"jisung! for fucks sake, what dont you understand about me saying im fine!?" the elder yelled, turning to face jisung, who had wide eyes and a slightly shocked and fearful expression. he hadn't heard or seen chan yell in years. "if i say i'm fine, i'm fine. i'm doing this for the rest of the group, so our comeback can be the best of the best. stop fucking worrying, i don't want pity!"

"so what was—"

a phone ringing interrupted the two. felix had gone to meet seungmin outside his college at the end of his lessons so they could meet up with minho to get coffee before heading back to the dorms, their light conversation being cut off by felix's phone. the brunet fished into his pocket and pulled it out, answering it instantly and putting it on speaker.

"hi bin hyung!"

"hey changbin hyung!"

"hey guys. listen, lix, we're in a bit of a panic right now."

𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✦ chanlixWhere stories live. Discover now