thirty three

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this chaps a bit more angsty and i apologise because i cried myself whilst writing this ✋😔

and i recommend setting a sad playlist for this...

(mentions of bullying, self harm and blood)



"do you fucking hear me, you little shit?"

the boy only whimpered, the grip the taller male had on his newly dyed pink hair tightening at the lack of an answer.

"answer me!" he demanded, slamming the smaller's head back into the lockers behind him as a yell erupted from the victim's throat.


"there's no fucking buts, bitch, just a simple 'yes, san."

"y-yes, san!" the boy cried out, the amethyst-haired male finally being satisfied with the smaller's answer, although he still felt the need to aggressively knee him in the stomach, causing a pained yell to be heard in the otherwise quiet hallway, before releasing the grip he had on his hair and letting him drop to his hands and knees.

"fucking whore." he muttered under his breath as he sneered down at the younger, kicking him over in the stomach and making him lose his balance, falling in a heap on the floor as the elder walked off, leaving him there.

whimpering quietly, the pink haired boy pushed himself up weakly to be on his hands and knees, struggling with the deep grazes be recently got on his palms. he began to feel unwell, starting to choke and heave, eventually coughing up a large amount of blood, as it splashed onto the ground below him and mixing with tears that continuously fell from his doe eyes.

the action took a lot of strength from him, almost not having enough energy to stand, having to use the dented lockers next to him as support as he shakily rose to his feet, still choking on quiet sobs as he guided himself through the hallway with his hood up and head down to avoid attracting attention.

where was his boyfriend when he needed him?


hey um i'm seungmin, im friends with hyunjin felix and his sisters and i know you're kinda busy and all but i need to tell you something that i don't think lix has told you yet
delivered 21:32

oh hi seungmin
what is it? is he okay?

okay well he told you about those two girls yeri and lia right?

fucking pissed off about them two

well theres been... stuff happening in school
more than just yeri and lia

what do you mean?

ever since you announced the collab people guessed that you'd be going away to a different city to work on it and they were proved right when you didn't show up to pick lix up and he started walking home

what happened?

they started using the fact that you weren't there to help him to target him and hurt him
they fire their jealousy and anger onto him and it's more often than i want to admit that hyunjin and i find him crying in the bathroom at school or having panic attacks while covered in cuts or bruises
i didn't want to say this without him knowing but it's affecting him way too much and the only reason his family doesnt know is because he uses rachel's makeup to cover it up as soon as he gets home

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