twenty two

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♡5,213   💬1,324   ✈️aussiebby 🤍🤎 @prince

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♡5,213 💬1,324 ✈️
aussiebby 🤍🤎 @prince.hwang

minhos_hoe twinnnnn we still have to meet up at some point you know??
> aussiebby yesss i hope we can soon sungie 🥺
> minhos_hoe me toooo 🥺

prince.hwang ooooh who's that hottie right thereee?
> aussiebby is you ;)
> prince.hwang yeah it is bestie 😌
>aussiebby 😌❤️

rachelee we be lovin the aesthetic
> aussiebby we do be we do


felix was lying on his bed about four hours after getting back from starbucks with hyunjin and was near to falling asleep due to boredom.

his laptop died and was currently charging, he had ran out of baking supplies and his parents were going to get some more on their way home from work, but that was still half an hour away and felix was getting impatient. he didn't have any games on his phone and couldn't find any interesting ones to install anyway, olivia was with her friends as usual and rachel was out with changbin again, her proclaimed "new number one admirer".

he groaned and rolled over on his bed multiple times, eventually burying his head into a pillow, groaning again. he wanted to see chan again, or at least message him, but he hadn't been active for about two hours and his phone was probably on silent again- chan's job meant he sometimes worked on weekends. felix didn't blame him though, it sounded cool and probably was worth it in the far end, but composing and producing songs wasn't an easy task.

of course, didn't know from experience, he just had a friend that took music for his exams and had to compose his own song. from what felix saw, it was time consuming and more complex than calculus, and felix sucked at math. felix just wished he could hear some of the elder's songs one day, not knowing he already had.

after laying still for what felt like eternity- but was actually just twenty seconds- felix's head shot up at the sound of his phone ringing. he scrambled up from his bed and went over to his desk, a wide grin spreading across his cheeks when he saw who it was. without any hesitation, he clicked answer and held the phone up to his ear.

"hi channie hyung!" he exclaimed, his happiness obvious in his voice.

chan chuckled on the other side of the line. "hey baby. happy to hear me?"

felix nodded, even though elder couldn't see it. "yeah! i'm home alone and bored as fudge, but i also wanted to call or message you anyway, i just didn't want to disturb you incase you're working."

𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✦ chanlixWhere stories live. Discover now