Chapter 22: How The War Ends

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Y/N, Chase, Sam, Seán, Venus and Maria swiftly made their way to the top floor where the battle between elders raged on. After Amy had lead the others back outside where they could teleport the injured to safety, the group focused all their energy on finding and helping the elders. Upon arriving at the base of the stairwell the deafening sounds of battle grew louder still.

On the count of three Y/N Chase and Venus lead the group into battle once more. In the few seconds it took to reach the top of the stairs they realized how dire the situation had become. Nearly all of their elders had been either killed or lay unconscious on the floor. Duke stood up front, vacuously redirecting every oncoming attack as Caroline continually threw out her own attacks. CJ actively weaved in and out of Duke's barrier, taking advantage of every little advantage he could get.

All three fighting with everything they have. 

All three deathly exhausted.

Just as they made it to them, for the first and last time, Duke missed an attack. His body slammed hard into the back wall before sliding down and falling into the empty stairwell. Fear and shock caught in their chests as he fell.

Venus lunged forward without hesitation and threw his soul forward, stretching into an impenetrable shield where Duke had previously held the line. As Venus allowed CJ to continue gliding through the shield, Chase and Maria slipped through at the edges throwing out spikes and energy spears of their own.

When Y/N sped past to join the fray, Caroline finally snapped back to reality and shook herself back into focus. She watched as Seán and Sam did what they could just poking through the barrier edge, and once again steeled her resolve. 


An explosion of heat and energy roared through the room creating a wind tunnel of heat and debris, quickly knocking her off her feet. The sound of screaming wind was deafening, as the air felt like fire against her skin before finally and abruptly stopping. When she opened her eyes fear gripped the back of her throat; all of her allies, her friends, we're down.

Venus shield began to waver as his consciousness began to slip, rubble crushing his body. CJ, Y/N and Maria crushed so hard into the walls, the concrete bent and broke around their shape. Seán and Sam lay at the top of the stairwell, still gripping the steps as if the wind had yet to halt. Furious and terrified she looked back at the enemy, a power yet untouched by her soul began rising from within.

Thinking of all the lives wasted on this war, all the innocent lives that will be lost if she doesn't succeed flow through her mind. Sharp purple energy begins cutting through the air around her as she steps towards the monsters that started it all. The vile men and women who'd incited death and violence for generations stared back at her, dark arrogant eyes smiling with assumed victory. Degusted and enraged she lifted her hand to release all of her righteous fury.

One strike, that's all it would take. One move with all the power she has and the enemy would disintegrate, if not be taken down with the island. One beat, and it would all be over. Everything will finally be over. All of her energy focused into her palm when her body suddenly jerks back.


The world stopped as she looked back to see Y/N on her knees, both hands gripping her other arm.

"You promised.. we would do this together. You promised you wouldn't sacrifice yourself unles you had to. You promised."

Guilt and anguish crawled up her spine as Y/N's gaze rose to meet hers. A dark piercing expression of looked back at her, emotions she couldn't fully process glaring up at her.

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