Part 15: The Actuality of War

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Sam, Beth, and I sit just behind Steven as he weaves a cloaking web around us. I can feel the familiar tingle of energy strands falling across my skin. Two weeks of training and missions together and I'm still not used to the sensation. I wonder how Amy would react to it.

Using sign language I remind everyone to lay low, as to prevent the higher ranking mutants from detecting us. After syncing our clocks, we head off to our individual sections.

I watch Sam quickly sneak over to their armory tent to sabotage their weapons. Beth slowly and quietly makes her way to steal their medical supplies, and infect their medicine. Steven starts collecting intel from the tree line and I start making my way to their food supply.

Thankfully, we've been watching this camp for a good while. We knew striking now would allow us the most room for error. Once I reach the supply I start dissolving and spreading the poisonous dust over everything. According to the elders, it's undetectable after five minutes.

It won't kill anyone, but it'll make them far to sick to fight. That's when we can come back to strike. I'm glad the council has a holding process before deciding who deserves what punishment, or I'd be having a lot harder of a time doing these missions. I couldn't poison them to death knowing there could be innocents among them.

Once everything was done, I check my time and start heading back. Everyone should be returning within the next ten or so minutes.

Regrouping to share our success with one another, we start back towards rendezvous. Steven briefly pauses to look back before heading off, as he usually does. Eventually Yezimee meets us by the polluted falls a few miles from one of the enemy's main hideouts.

Somehow I've managed to get used to the feeling of teleportation. Moving through the portals used to make my head spin so much I'd nearly puke, but it feels almost natural now.

"Report." Yezimee demands.

"Food supply successfully poisoned." I respond

"All medicines sabotaged, and other supplies appropriated." Beth gestures to her backpack.

"Weapons guaranteed to malfunction." Sam sighed with a thumbs up.

"Good. Steven, report to central to share the information you've gathered."

"Yes ma'am-a-roony." He responds, quickly turning to head off.

"Looks like you three have a short day today, go get some rest." She smiled.

"Thanks Yez." Sam smiled.

After she left the three of us head inside and towards the cafeteria. I couldn't help but feel a little weird going for food after having just poisoned someone elses, but I'm starving.

"How's Amy doing?" Beth asks, happily.

"She's good! She feels accomplished and like she's making a difference which is always good. And since she's now in charge of her department, whenever I have time away she can usually join me." I smile back.

"Nice, I'm glad you still get to spend time together." Sam responded.

"Hey look, it's Erica and Erin!" Beth shouted.

The two of them paused in front of the cafeteria door, to turn and wave. Only waiting a few moments before we could all walk in together.

"Hey guys, how'd your mission go?" Erica asked.

"Good, successful as usual!" Beth responded.

"Nice, ours was too! We managed to convince a good chunk of their civilians to evacuate to one of our hideouts." Erin excitedly replied.

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