Part 19: Reunited at Last

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Walking back to Marzia's hospital room my eye catches on Caroline running towards the meeting room. My stomach twists over itself as my mind runs back to Y/N's mission.

I quickly made my way towards the meeting room and knock on the door just a few moments after Caroline had closed it behind her. When she opens the door, she motions for me to enter without even looking at me.

"What's going on? Have we gotten anything back form N/N?"

"Seán, good, come sit." Duke responded from across the room.

"We started getting the live footage from the camera's a little while ago. We've mapped nearly their entire base, and will be sending the command to go find her again soon." CJ explained.

"Oh, okay. When I saw Caroline running over I'd thought something more had happened." I sigh.

"Well, it has. Just a minute ago some kind of alarm started going off in the base. Duke has the footage going into a database on the computer system we managed to get, but I wanted him to wait for everyone to get here to pull it back up." Caroline responded stiffly.

I'd thought she should have been back by now, but I'd hoped that it was just taking her longer to find him. I try to get a grip on myself as Duke goes to bring the footage back up. Maybe I should ask to have the rest of our friends be here for this.

"Here we go."

I look up and see a surprisingly clear image of a large underwater base, the sound turned down to prevent the alarms from hurting our ears. I hold my breath as Duke flips from camera to camera trying to get an idea of what's going on. So far all we see is a lot of people running around in panic.

When we flip to the image of an old man throwing out an attack, Duke starts controlling the camera to see where the man is shooting. We can't see what the man is aiming for, but we do hear him scream about not being able to hide.

"That has to be her, she must be using camouflage. Follow any traces of slightly misplaced light or reflection!" CJ commands.

Without a word Duke proceeds to follow the camera's based on the map we have, eventually jumping to one that shows one of the walls folding in and around something.

"That's her!" I shout," I've seen her do that before, it's her."

With a nod he flips over one more camera and we finally find her. I feel my heart soar when I see that she's not only alive, but she has Chase with her! Duke turns up the volume and sends a small signal through the camera, which startles her back to her feet. I feel myself sigh in relief at seeing they aren't horribly injured.

After she sits back down and checks on Chase, my chest tightens at how he cowers under her arm. What were they doing to him all this time? As he continues to hide, she looks back up to look at us.

"I'm gonna try and get us home in just a moment, but if we can't make it all the way I'll retreat to someplace nearby for a while. I'm not sure I can focus my energy enough to reach the anchor, but I'm gonna try." She explains.

A she starts getting back to her feet I can't help but wonder what's going to happen if she can't reach the anchor. How are we going to get them back? Where can they hide after getting out if they can't make it here? 

After assessing the room her face falls into focus and she lifts her hand when a loud crashing sound echoes through the room, light suddenly flaring to life around them! Before I can process anything Duke has re-camouflaged the camera and turned it to see what's going on.

I watch in silent horror as a barrage of attacks fly at Y/N and Chase, her shield flaring up with every hit. An older man comes to the doorway and claps loudly distracting everyone just long enough for Y/N to fight back. Debris starts flying as an all out battle breaks out. 

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